Chapter 6

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Kissing Nicholas at first was just a simple peck, to see if he would pull away, and to see if it was something I could do.

He didn't pull away, and neither did I. 

He kissed me back but despite how sloppy our kiss was, he never pulled away, and neither did I.
I felt like something magical was happening without even realizing it.

I didn't hate it, his lips felt nice, and Nicholas had let me take the lead completely, even though I could sense just how much he wanted to take over and deepen the kiss.

After a few seconds, I stopped and opened my eyes, and when I saw that Nicholas had too, and was, I couldn't believe what I had just done, and with whom I did it with.

I kissed the Crown Prince of England.

Oh my god, I must have lost my damn mind, what was I thinking, kissing him?

"Sorry-" I pulled back and stood up from the sofa. "I shouldn't have done that."

I was now fully in panic mode with what I had just done, never done anything like that before, but what scared me the most was how much I didn't want to stop kissing him.

I even wanted to do it again, but this was insane.

"I need to leave." I said out loud, going to walk past him to get to the elevator.

"Wait-" Nicholas stood up and reached out and grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worried filling his eyes. "Did I do something wrong? If I do, please tell me, don't just go." 

I moved my head away and gazed away from him, afraid if I looked at him anymore today I might cry in front of him, for unknown reasons.

I felt weird, like suddenly I had a billion eyes on me, judging me, it was a scary feeling that made me feel like I had done something wrong, simply for liking it.

"I just need to go." I said, not recognising my own voice. "P-Please let go of me."

I couldn't look at him, I had no idea what face he was making now, even though his hand tightened around mine, I knew that he wanted me to tell him why I was behaving like this, but I just couldn't.

This was all happening too fast.

Nicholas let go of my hand, and I immediately walked over to the elevator and pressed the button multiple times, afraid to turn around and look him in the eye.

"It's natural to be scared, Charlie." Nicholas said from behind me, as I heard him walk over to me.

"I..." He paused, just as the elevator doors opened.

I quickly get inside and press the button for the lobby, and make the stupid mistake of raising my head, and looking straight at him.

I had seen that look on his face so many times, but not on his, but on my parents' face, it wasn't sadness, but the look of disappointment, disappointment in me.

It broke something inside of me knowing I had made someone I admired, someone I could've felt for feeling this way about me in such a short time.

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