Chapter 19

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I was laid flat on my stomach on the bed, with Nicholas drawing something on my back, as he laid on his stomach beside me.

“What did I write now?” He asked as I hummed, smiling at him, having no idea that he was even writing something.

“Circle, line, dot?” I said cheekily, making him pinch my ass.

“Ow, no need for violence.” I get up from the bed, my legs like jelly and my stomach now making obvious, and unavoidable noises that I am now hungry.

Nicholas laughed, and then sat up on the bed and then grabbed his phone from the bedside table, his hair messy and in every direction but one as I tried not to stare.

“Has it been almost a week?” I looked outside and saw that it was raining.

After having that fight with Nicholas a few days ago, we haven't been out as much as I thought we would, instead, we lounged around, had sex, and ate inside and then repeated it a few hours later.

I had sex all week, like some teenager high on Red Bull, with a guy I was now seeing.

“Uh, Charlie, I might need to head back to the city sooner than we thought.” Nicholas said as I saw him get up from the bed from the corner of my eye.

“How come?”

Nicholas was butt naked, with marks all over his body that were similar to mine, apart from the nail marks on his back, which I totally forgot about but now that I saw it, I couldn't believe I did that to him.

What was I? Some sex-crazed animal?

I felt like one, especially with Nicholas, I hardly felt like myself.

“I'm going to shower in the next room, you can have this room babe.” He said, I stared blankly as he smiled handsomely and then walked out of the room.

There he goes again with the ‘babe’.

I didn't know when it started, but over time he had called me it rather than my actual name.

I used to hate cringe nicknames, but with Nicholas it wasn't annoying, in fact, I somewhat liked it.

I hurried into the shower and cleaned away all of Nicholas's cum the best I could, and then washed my body in soap and used whatever was there to wash my hair.

Minutes later Nicholas was coming into the bathroom fully dressed with his hair back to perfection as I was wrapping the towel around my waist.

“Hey.” He came over and kissed me, something he did a lot whenever he left a room and came back.

“I'm sorry about this, I said we'd have the week but I wasn't expecting to be back so soon.” He said apologetically, his fingers moving a wet strand of hair from my eyes.

“It's fine.” I smiled, and move past him to go into the bedroom to get dressed.

“I can start early in the bakery and get a head start.” I told him, as I started to put clothes on. “At Least I got time off, and had a good time for a change.”

Nicholas went quie, and watched me get dressed from the bathroom doorway, his arms crossed and his eyes deep in thought as he stared at me.

I wanted to ask what he was thinking about so hard, and why he had to go back so suddenly, but something stopped me, somewhat afraid of what he would say back.

“My dad's dying.”

I freeze, mid-button on my pants, and then turn my head to look at him, my eyes are wide and my mind blank.

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