Chapter 5

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I couldn't sleep the entire night.

The whole time after I closed the shop for the day, I thought about what Nicholas said, and then I spent three hours googling him online, shamefully trying to find any doubt in what he said.

He was a nice guy, he did charity, sure he had been caught drinking, or smoking during his school days, but there was nothing but nice things said about him, unless you were a scorned ex girlfriend of his.

There was no talk or gossip about him liking men, not even a speculation, the guy was that good looking and so sure online that it was physically impossible to know he liked me at all.

Of Course that didn't stop gay men online talking about just how ‘perfect material’ the crown prince was.

Whatever the hell that meant.

I had nothing but green flags when it came to him, but the only thing I did find about him that rubbed me the wrong way was… it was obvious he knew about me before he came into the store.

The car he was always driving around in was parked right outside the bakery, and when I asked my other workers at the bakery if they had noticed anything, they didn't, it was only when I worked my shifts.

Nicholas had watched me from afar.

A part of me thinks ‘what the hell, that's so creepy and stalkerish’ but then the other part of me wants to give him the benefit of the doubt, because he had mentioned that this was a ‘first for him’.

That also got me thinking, how much of this was a first for him?

Had he been with a man, and if so, what did he prefer?

Everytime I tried to think about it, the more anxious I got about the entire thing.

Sure I knew how gay men have sex, but never had I ever imagined myself doing anything like that with a guy, and definitely not with someone like Nicholas.

Yet, it became clear that Nicholas had pictured it, with me, but… what where was I in this picture of his?

I hated that I was like this, I wanted to experience my newfound feelings for Nicholas, but a huge part of me was terrified I would completely screw this up, and embarrass myself in the process.

I knew nothing about this, I had only had three girlfriends my entire life, while Nicholas has a lifetime of experience with relationships.

My phone buzzed beside me, and that's when I decided to stop worrying so much, and stop looking him up online and driving myself crazy.

I grabbed my phone and just like earlier, my heart did a flip when I saw that he had texted me.

Crown Prince: Where would you like to meet tomorrow? I can find somewhere, or can we do this at my place? 

He texted me again.

Crown Prince: Whatever you are most comfortable with, we do that.

I couldn't help but laugh at how nervous he seems when he texts, compared to when he speaks face to face, it really makes me feel less worried about this whole thing when he's like this, a normal person.

Me: I'm fine anywhere! My place is also an option, unless the travel is too far, then we can meet halfway.

I waited for him to reply, in the meantime I went through our texts and reread everything, until I got a notification that he had replied.

Crown Prince: Let's do that.

He then sends me an address, and then a room number with a code to an expensive hotel in the city that was indeed halfway to my bakery, and the palace.

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