Chapter 8

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I was incredibly tired, and I thought I was running on my last battery as it comes to the end of the day, but then I get a text that makes me smile like a weirdo.
Crown Prince: Look at this.

Crown Prince: attached an image.

It was the cutest, most adorablest thing I had ever seen, and the more I looked at it, the more my stomach felt weird.

It was Nicholas, and Candy, his German shepherd cuddling in bed, with both of their tongues out, his dog on its back laying on his bed pillow, just like a human.

It felt like I should be looking at something illegal, I knew millions of girls in the world would die for a personal photo like this, and from a handsome Crown Prince of a country.

Me: So cute

I flinch and put my phone away into my back pocket when Emma, my part time worker comes out from the back, looking done for the day.

“I can't wait to get home.” She groaned out, slouching against the counter with her arms crossed and her head laying on them.

“I think a nice bath, a bottle of wine and netflix is in order, what about you? Any plans?”

I hum out and then shrug. “Probably the same, prepa-”

“For monday.” She rolled her eyes, then stood up straight to look me in the eye.

“You're a total hottie, why don't you get out there more? You're wasting away like this.” She pouted, making me laugh uncomfortably. “I know at least three girls who've asked me if you're single, Charlie.”

“Three?” I just snorted, not believing her for a moment.

“Three girlfriends sound like a lot.” I joked, making her eyes roll.

“I'm serious, give it a thought and text me when you get sick of the single life.” She said, whilst grabbing her coat from the rack.

“See you Monday.” She grinned as I smiled and waved her off, watching as she leaves the bakery and then walks over to her car across the road.
A girlfriend huh?

I liked Emma, but she really didn't know how pushy she really was.

Being in college, she seemed to live everyday exactly how she wanted it, without really sticking to one thing.

This part time job was the only thing that stuck, and that was because I gave her leftover bread, and cakes at the end of the week.

I'd like to think it was because I was a good ‘boss’ and somewhat friend, but who am I kidding? If I was her in college, I'd never quit this job.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, so I grab it and see that Nicholas had texted me again.

He's been texting me all day, doesn't he have… prince stuff to do?

Crown Prince: Can I see you tonight?

Crown Prince: I was thinking, since the last time we met, it didn't end well, and I'd really like to redeem myself, so how about it?
He wants to meet me again, so soon?

Was that really… wise?

Nicholas had gotten sick… obviously due to staying out in the cold, for almost two hours waiting for my bakery to close outside, and has been home recovering since that night.

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