Chapter 42 - Wicked Game

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"Sienna?" I casually call out upon entering the kitchen, my hands instinctively settling on the door frame. My gaze sweeps the room, anticipation tingling in my veins, but it's met only with emptiness. Confusion knits my brows, her absence unexpected. I was so sure I would find her here.

I had woken up to the cool emptiness of our bed, and initially assumed she might have been freshening up in the bathroom, except, she was not.

Then my eyes drifted to the nightstand, where the remnants of last night's carefully laid plans caught my attention. The card, once nestled against the ring box, now lay flat on the surface, and the box itself had shifted from its initial place, meaning she had atleast had a chance to see both before leaving the room.

"Babe?"I call out again, my tone laced with a subtle edge of concern, as I take a step back.

Leaving the kitchen behind, I traverse through the familiar corridors of our home, from the foyer to the living room, and finally to my office. Panic begins to grip me as I realize she's nowhere to be found, leaving me to wonder where she could have gone to so early in the morning without telling me first.


"Are you sure?" I mutter into the phone, a thread of anxiety weaving through my words as I swing the front door open, scanning the world beyond.

"All the cars are accounted for, sir. No one has exited through the front gate." the guard's voice comes through the line, his figure visible from his current position near the entrance where he went to search, the phone pressed against his ear.

"Check the backyard again." I instruct, pivoting on my heel and hurrying up the stairs, the phone pressed to my ear in anticipation of any new developments from him.

In this moment, I yearn for the comforting presence of Bear and Beta...they would have probably be of some help right now.

Entering the bedroom, I push the door wide open, my heart pounding against my ribs. A swift survey confirms she's still absent.

I hover at the threshold of the bathroom and then the closet, stealing a glance inside once more, but she isn't there either.

"Hello?" I lift the phone to my ear once more.

"Yes, sir?"

"Any updates?"

"Um, no sir.. I'm certain she's still inside the house..."

"Check if anyone has had access into the property, check the cameras...check everything." I mumble as if he hasn't spoken.

"Have you combed through the entire house, sir? We can assist you in the search, just to be thorough and sure."

The house boasts a ton of rooms...but Sienna only ever visits about five, our bedroom, the kitchen, living room, my office and...the backyard if that counts.

I begin swinging open doors to all the rooms on our bedroom floor, desperation creeping into my movements.

"Feel free to come in, but I've scoured every inch in here and she is not......" I start to retort, but my words falter after I swing open a door to one of the guest rooms. The space is empty, yet movement at the far end catches my eye, causing me to whirl around just when I was about the leave.

"Sienna appears from the en suite bathroom, clad in a towel, a second one in hand, lifting to dry her damp hair."

She freezes at the sight of me.

"Sir?" the voice echoes from the phone.

"...Never mind, I just found her." I mutter, abruptly terminating the call, not even certain if he caught my words on the other end.

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