Chapter 30 - A Crystal Lie

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It's half past 3am when I finally make it to the lodge after first dropping off Bear and Beta at the camp site with a trusted associate for the rest of the night.

After speaking to one of the organizers and making a few arrangements, I decided to take them along with me on this trip..I can already picture mom's surprise and disapproval because no pets are allowed, but she will just have to get over it....After having spent the last week away from them, I can't bear to leave them behind for another few days again.

Pushing my car door closed, I step out into the chilly autumn breeze. I pause for the second, and look around, letting myself feel the ambiance of the place, and hear the sounds around me, which at this hour is nothing but just the leaves whistling in the trees nearby...I take in the aroma....the the scent of water from the lake nearby and just let my brain be still.

Then I briefly glance at the fully packed car park, recognizing at least half a dozen SUV's that belong to the company...I guess my mother has a few of the VIPs invited for the event staying here too.

I walk across the car park and towards the reception area with only a duffel bag over my shoulder, leaving the rest of my luggage in the car to be collected later.

Realising I am finally here, a bolt of excitement runs through again like it did when I passed through the camp site. I always did enjoy myself t these events during the times I attended and I am glad that I will be able to share those experiences with Sienna too.

I walk into the lobby and spot two men in behind the reception desk with their eyes intent on a TV screen to the side of them....then they both shoot up from their seats with their arms up in a premature celebration, because they gasp and sit down solemn again.

I glance at the TV and notice an NBA game on...I am a fan of the game, so my interest is peaked....Warriors vs Cavaliers....I am a Boston Celtic myself, but between these too, I can cheer for the Warriors.

I clear my throat and the two shoot up again.

"Good evening" One of them murmurs, with a slight bow of the head.

"Hi..I have a booking here, Roman girlfriend is already here though."

"Hold on a sec.....Toscano....Toscano....." he repeats as he looks down at his computer and types rapidly.

I look around, first at the TV screen, then around me briefly, sizing up the place. Mom always stays here each time we have this event, while I always preferred the out door camping experience where there is plenty more people around with endless excitement.

This place is alright though, very rustic and rugged, but with a luxurious touch....I see why my mother likes it...I bet Sienna loves it too..this time more than willing to to take advantage of the privacy and coziness a private lodge provides instead of the camp site, It's exactly what Sienna and I need right now.

"Doctor?" I have drifting to far in my mind, I didn't realise the was speaking to me until the other guy who was following the game signals to me.

"Come again." I turn to him again.

"Yes...Dr. Toscano with Sienna Crowe.. room number 304." he says with a smile...then signals for the other guy to assist with the bag and take me to the room.

"Uh, do you have another set of keys, It's so late, I don't want to wake my girlfriend up." The words roll off my tongue and go straight to my ears.

Calling Sienna my girlfriend makes my heart flutter each makes her feel mine....only mine and I just want to shout it to the rest of the world.

She's mine.

My beautiful..Sienna.

My butterfly....only, I'm never letting her fly away again.

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