Chapter 35 - The Penny Drops

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Third POV

As the party of four progress deeper into the house, Rome and Sienna take the lead, guiding everyone into the spacious and cozy living room, where a lively fire crackles in the fireplace.

"Please, feel free to make yourselves at home," Rome says, motioning for them to take a seat and quickly adds.

"Alright folks, can you excuse me for a moment, I need to check on something in the kitchen." prompting Faith to remember something.

"Oh, the Lemon Meringue Pie," she whispers, but Rome offers reassurance. "I'll take care of it. You just relax."

As Rome makes his way to the kitchen, he halts at the doorway. "You know what, Babe? Why don't you take your parents out to the backyard instead, and I'll join you there?" he suggests to Sienna, who agrees.

Once Rome exits the room, Steve adjusts in his seat, directing his attention to Sienna. "So, how's life, kiddo? This guy seems to be keeping you occupied; even I hardly get to see you anymore," he remarks.

Sienna smiles warmly, shifting to sit beside him on the sofa's arm, offering him a side hug. "Things are really good, Dad."

"And hey, Dad, can I ask you something?" she hesitates before continuing, "...Can you drop your guard tonight and just be nice to Rome, okay?" she pleads.

Steve chuckles lightly. "What? I'm always nice."

"You know what I mean... no snarky remarks or tough protective dad act, alright?"

"If you're asking me to go easy on him, forget it. You're my daughter, and it's my responsibility to ensure he's treating you right," Steve insists, glancing at Faith for confirmation.

"Don't worry, he'll conduct himself properly... won't you, Steve?" Faith adds.

"I don't know what conducting myself 'properly' means, but I'll be myself. Is that good enough for you both?" Steve replies and Sienna sighs.

"That'll do... Come on" Sienna says, standing up and linking her arm with Steve's as they exit the room.

As they stroll through the house towards the backyard, Steve inquires about Sienna's day and how her interview went. While she shares, Steve and Faith can't help but appreciate the intricate details of the house's style and design, momentarily distracted from their conversation.

Sienna opens the screen door, leading them out into the backyard, which looks particularly stunning at night. Different lights illuminate different parts of the yard, casting a serene glow-the pool shimmers blue and inviting with its underwater blue lights, while the extended porch hosts a perfectly set dinner table.

An L-shaped garden sofa sits near the lawn, where Faith and Steve settle for now.

"Alright, let me get you guys some drinks. I'll be right back," Sienna murmurs, pausing to kiss her dad on the cheek before slipping back into the house through the kitchen door where Rome is.

"Hey, can I grab some..." She trails off as she spots a bottle of Chardonnay on the kitchen table, along with wine glasses-her dad's favorite beverage after tea.

"You can get some ice from the fridge for that." Rome instructs, glancing at her from the counter.

"The ice bucket is in there." he gestures toward a cabinet, guessing she might not know where to find it.

"You think of everything," Sienna murmurs appreciatively.

After fetching some ice and placing it in the bucket, she moves to the table to grab the wine and glasses. But before she can gather everything and leave, Rome approaches from behind. Brushing her hair aside, he bends down and pecks her shoulder.

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