Chapter 44 - A Blessing and A Curse

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After savoring a sumptuous meal, I sit leisurely in the dining chair, scrolling through my phone. The room is bathed in the warm, amber glow of the evening, casting a gentle light that dances off the polished surfaces and creates a cozy, intimate ambiance.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement catches my eye from the corner of the room making me look up.

"Hey." Sienna murmurs, leaning against the doorway, her silhouette framed by the soft light. She's draped in a white bedspread that she pulls up over her the bridge of her nose in an endearing, sultry manner, her eyes peeking out in a playful glint.

I smile, my heart picking up pace.

"Up already?" I ask. I genuinely expected her to sleep through the rest of the night after all of the day's collective activities.

"You're up." she counters with a hint of challenge in her tone as if she's daring me to explain why I'm not still lost in the dreams of our togetherness like she was.

She pushes herself off the doorway and makes her way toward me with a slow, sultry grace, barefoot.

I set my phone down as she becomes my sole focus.

As she approaches, I push my chair back slightly, making room for her on my lap. She settles there with a comfortable familiarity, sitting sideways, her body fitting perfectly against mine. My arm wraps instinctively around her waist, holding her close as I bury my nose in the fragrant cascade of her hair.

"There's so much food here." she remarks, her gaze sweeping over the table laden with some of our favorite dishes. Her fingers find my half-full glass of champagne-the one I opened to toast our night-and she twirls it absently, her eyes entranced by the bubbles dancing within.

"Am I allowed a sip?" She asks, already bringing the glass to her lips. I grab the back of her neck and pull her face to mine, meeting her lips even before the glass is completely away from them and quickly swirling my tongue in her mouth to scoop whatever liquid she got.

She gasps in surprise, her mouth opening wider and making my tasking easier.. I take advantage, deepening the kiss, savoring the moment. A drop of champagne escapes and trickles down her chin, and I follow it up with my tongue, eliciting a deep blush from her.

"Was that really necessary? it was just one sip." she mumbles, her cheeks turning a rosy hue, clearly flustered.

I grin, the impish side of me taking pleasure in her reaction "No, but I couldn't resist." I reply truthfully.

The bed spread slips slightly off her shoulder, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her bare skin. I'm not sure if it's accidental or deliberate, but either way, it sends a thrill through me. I rest my chin on her now exposed shoulder, steering her gaze towards the table to keep my focus on anything but the tempting look in her eyes.

So, what do you want to eat first?" I ask, my fingers gently threading through her hair, the soft strands slipping through my hand like silk. My other hand sneaks beneath the blanket, gliding over her warm skin, and I realize with a jolt that she's completely naked beneath it. My hand rests tenderly on her belly, where our baby lies, and I can't help but feel a profound connection between the three of us.

"You." Sienna utters, her response bringing my mind back to her, and I lift my gaze to meet hers.

I smirk, amused by her cheeky response. "Very funny... you need real nourishment... and rest."

She brushes her lips lightly against mine, her breath warm as she murmurs, "You're my favorite nourishment." The sentiment stirs something deep within me, but I tilt my head back slightly, giving her a mock-serious look. She needs to eat.

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