Chpt 1. The Cursed One

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No matter how far you go, no matter what you can achieve. None of it matters if you don't have the strength to do it... that's what truly matters... strength alone is the key to everything... to him.

Years ago in the land of vacuo was a faunas boy named Royku, a boy with four dark red eyes from his spider like features... his only features. He lived alone from the day he could first remember anything, surviving on his own, living on his own rules since he does everything on his own. He always saw the hunters and was inspired to be one, one day, but was crushed by his own "hero" words.

"You can't be a hunter because you don't have any aura, you would be too weak and be as vulnerable as the monsters we slay. So just do people a favor and be something else."

Those were the words that crushed and molded him into something different... something malevolent. But deep down he knew that hunter was right, he was born without any trace of aura. But that wouldn't stop him in his new pursuit, to be strong.

In the town he lived, the people wasn't making it easy on him, even for his own age. The people and faunas would think he's a grimm... a monster.

"Ugly little freak"

"Trash bug"

"He doesn't have anything what a loser"

But to their own demise and mistakes... it only sunk him down further, making him stronger. Shaping him into the true "monster" he is...

Royku PoV

I lived in this worthless village for all I can remember. Getting attacked by grimm, being completely defenseless, hoping a hunter can save them one day. If I can survive on my own, why do I continue to stay here...

"Hey you, little spider freak." I heard someone yell, knowing it was aimed towards I turned to the garbage who said. "There a rumors that a hunter is coming this way, so do them a favor and crawl under a rock to hide in and maybe die for all I care!" He said as I didn't give any kind of reaction or acknowledgment. "Did you hear what I said!" He yelled.

"If there's a hunter coming then maybe grimm is on the way too, so if I were you, I'd find a hole to hide in... like the rat that you are!" I retorted back.

I can see the anger build up in him as he balled his fist and punched me in the face, but didn't even move. "Weak trash." I coldly said as he then picked me up by my raggedy shirt.

"I'll show you-."

"Put the child down!" I heard a woman's voice shout from behind, making the man toss me to the ground on my back.

I closed my eyes to maybe be kicked in the head by whoever wanted their turn in attempt to beat me.

"Are you okay?" I was wrong the woman's voice a sound of sympathy, like someone finding a lost child... well I am sort of one but... "You look all torn up, people could so cruel sometimes, but to a child... that's too far." I heard her say as I slowly opened all four of my eyes.

"Hi, I'm Summer Rose. But you can just call me Summer." She offered a hand, as I refused and got up myself.

"I don't need your help. Are you the hunter that was coming here?" I asked.

Summer: "Yes, well I'm a huntress to be exact." She said as she gave a smile and confidently pointed to herself.

"Same thing, both are complete useless titles." I said as she gave a shocked saddened expression.

The Cursed HunterWhere stories live. Discover now