Chpt 2. Own Journey

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Royku PoV

Years and years in this worthless pathetic scavenger rat group... I think it's time set off. But it's I should be thankful to Raven, after all if it wasn't for her, I would be dead maybe.


I woke up in a strange small room, but it wasn't really a room, but it kept me warm. I looked at my hands and saw black markings on my wrist, noticing my shirt was missing, there's more marks on my arm and body.

"What is this?" I thought out loud as footsteps began to approach me.

I could try to kill them, but I don't know where I am or even if they're a threat to me or not.

"Are you sure it's safe or smart to even bring someone like that here?" I heard a voice behind the cloth wall.

"It's really a gamble, the kid has great potential to the tribe. Just let me handle it." The cloth wall opened up to reveal a woman in red armor and black hair, with bright red eyes to complement her pale skin.

We stared at each other's eyes, both of our red eyes were reflecting off of each other until she decided to sit in front facing me. "So..." She broke the silence. "Do you remember what happened last night?" She asked as I thought for a moment.

"All I can remember is grimm attacking the town I lived in, and after that I'm walking  in the forest. Thats about it." That was really all I could remember, I don't really care to remember.

"You killed every grimm that invaded your town, along with everyone... you didn't spare a single person, not even your own faunas people." I said as I then hid my face. "Look... I know for someone your age, that sounds a bit too-." She was interrupted by my small chuckles which then turned into uncontrollable laughter.

"Those garbage people were too weak and pathetic. They had it coming if not by me, then by grimm."


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"You... you remind me..." She then stood up. "In a couple of minutes you will get situated and ready for training. You are now part of the Branwen tribe"

"Wait but I- you can't just- why?!" I struggled to say.

"No if, ands, or buts! From here on, I am your... leader! You don't question my authority, and I Raven Branwen your leader, will mentor you." She stated with authority, she gave a look I couldn't even argue back with. "What is your name?"

"Royku." I answered.

Raven: "Royku, prepare yourself. We will begin our first training session in an hour." She then began to leave. "So much potential doesn't need to be wasted on being a huntsman."

End of Flashback

"Royku!" I heard my name being called, I turned to meet a tall, bald headed, muscular, brown skin man named Jack.

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