Chpt 13.

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The day after the incident with Yang injuring Mercury. She was in her dorm room with her teammates. Saying she saw him trying to attack her, so she retaliated by attacking back. They left the room in talked with team jnpr.

Ruby: "Be sure to win for Beacon, okay?" She encouraged Pyrrha.

"I'll do my best." She replied.

"There aren't any trying your best, you will win!" Royku budged in unexpectedly.

Weiss: "You here to talk to her?"

Royku: "Yeah... Qrow said I should. I don't know why though."

Ruby: "Well she's all yours." She smiled and gestured to the door.

Yang PoV

I was laying in my bed until I heard knocking on the door. Opening I met Royku, and the others behind him.

"Yang I-." I stopped him by giving him a tight hug.

I looked behind him to see Ruby, Weiss, and Nora face looked like it was saying aww, making my face blush a little as I quickly pulled him into the room and closed the door.

"Before you say anything, I just wanna apologize first. I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that, and for hitting you." I said as we sat on my bed.

Royku: "It's fine I've been hit by worse. A rocket to be exact."

"Did you seen what happened after my fight? I saw him trying to come at me. Everyone thinks I'm a lunatic." I said as he chuckled.

Royku: "People are soft

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Royku: "People are soft. Letting their feelings get to them like, then act surprised when grimm start coming in."

"So you think I'm crazy too huh?" I felt tears begin to fall as he wiped them away.

Royku: "No, not at all really. In a world like this, I don't think it was your fault at all."

"W-what do you mean?" I asked as he covered his mouth and thought for a moment.

Royku: "There are semblances out there that can play trucks on people's minds. Like Emerald, when I first fought her when I used dismantle, I thought it hit. But I was wrong and it caught me off guard."

"I don't think Emerald would do that, we're friends." I stated as he lowered his head.

Royku: "Don't think just because you give someone a title, they would live up to it." He said as I thought for a moment. "Meh, I don't really know her like that. But she did try to steal from me once and I got payback by beating her."

"What?!" I nearly yelled into his hear.

"Ow..." He said. "I don't like her or her teammates. If it was me fighting them in the tournament, I would do 10x worse than what you did. And I wouldn't be here any longer."

"Sheesh... when you put it like that it's nice hearing you talk like that. Makes me feel more innocent." I said as I then scoot closer to him. "But I also feel safe."

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