Chpt 30.

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Royku, Sajo, and the others with Emerald, were in Weiss's home after walking in an underground tunnel. Royku was sitting outside thinking about their plan to save Penny and Atlas. "How you holding up?" Yang hugged him behind.

Royku: "This plan of yours... there's only a couple problems, one important one is Cinder, I have a feeling that she's going to be the leading problem... honestly she's the only nuisance that could possibly make things go wrong."

Yang: "Yeah that may be true, but she doesn't know about our plans. Even if she did we're gonna stop her."

Royku: "Last time... they-."

Yang: "That was last time, this time we got this." She kissed him on the cheek. "I didn't expect you to worried out of everyone else."

Royku: "I'm not worried!" He pouted. "Just concerned..." She chuckled.

Yang: "That's basically the same thing, but... you're actually concerned about something other than me?"

Royku: "Uh?! Wha- when you put it like that... what do you mean?"

Yang: "You care about the others too, that's great." She hugged him tighter and began kissing him repeatedly over his face. "Can't wait to share with Sukuna on how his dad went from stone cold, to a squishy wummy bear." She said in a baby teasing voice, making Royku blush as Yang gasped. "Are you... blushing?!"

"No!" He tried to cover his face, she tried to move his hands but he didn't move.

Yang: "Let me see, Royku, let me... let me seeee." She gently moved his hands to see him smiling with a little red on his cheeks. "Awww look at you, you're like a cute little spider lady bug." They tgen shared a long passionate kiss.

"A bug wouldn't be complete without its flower." He said with a hand on her cheek making her smile before kissing him again.

Time Skip

They beat Ironwood and opened the vault to continue their plan to save Penny and the people using the staff of creation.

Royku and Sajo were helping escort people to Vacuo, "You excited to see Vacuo?" Sajo asked.

Royku: "No, not even one bit. I had a hard time growing up there in a small town."

Sajo: "What? No kidding. How bad was it?" He asked as Royku shook his head.

Royku: "The town I lived was slaughtered the night I discovered my cursed technique."

Sajo: "That's insane did you happen to know who could've done? It could've been years ago so-."

"It was me." He said as Sajo's eyes widened. "I wanted revenge on the people there, everyone who hated me... nobody survived."

Sajo: "Royku... thats-." They were alerted by an explosion.

Royku's fist tightened as he saw Cinder, this time he had to stop her. Before he could go after her, he was stopped by Sajo.

"The people need our help, let the 5 of them handle her while we help these people." Royku smacked his hand away.

Royku: "She won't get away with it this!" He then summoned Nue, the bird from his 10 shadows technique.

He flew to her and electrocuted with the summon, "Why are you such rat?" He said as she growled and then destroyed the summon with ice shards. He almost fell down until Sajo grabbed him from the ledge, "Look at you turning infinity off to save me." Royku said while being pulled up.

Sajo: "Just be careful next time you idiot." He said as the floor blew up from Cinder.

Royku wasn't knocked off luckily, but Sajo was unfortunately knocked off. "Sajo!" He yelled to his friend but he was knocked out from the blast.

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