Chpt 5.

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Yangs Dream (yeah she's cooked)

She was in a field, filled with petal that matched her lilac eyes. She was admiring the beautiful environment, until sudden a patch of petal turned a dark red.

"Huh?" She questioned as the man of her dreams, literally, surfaced from underneath. "Royku..." He then approached her and offered a hand.

She accepted it at and pulled herself into a hug.

"Yang." He said as she hugged tighter. "Yang."

Yang: "You're so soft." She claimed.

"Yang!" He said but in a female voice.

"Huh?" She looked to see that was Ruby instead.

Out of Dream

She opened her eyes to meet her silvered eyed, red hood sister. "Hi you're finally awake." She said with a grin. The blonde quickly sat up.

"What- how long have I been- how did you even get in here?" She asked, noticing the boy she laid with was missing. "Please tell me this is a dream."

Weiss: "Nope, we've been calling you for the longest." She stated, as Yang noticed she had several missed calls from all of her teammates.

Yang: "Ughhhh..." She plopped back down.

Blake: "You left the door unlocked."


Ruby: "We even got pictures of you two." She claimed making her sister shoot back up.

She saw a picture of him with one armed wrapped around her as they were snuggled together, the next was him with his lower left eye open, then all of his eyes were open, then finally his hand was reaching for it.

Ruby: "Luckily he didn't delete them, he took the scroll as soon as he woke up. It was so fast."

Blake: "I'm surprised you didn't wake up, it's like he barely had to move you."

Weiss: "You was out cold, what happened last night?" She questioned with a smirk.

Yang: "Nothing happened I swear! We were just talking then he fell asleep first."

Weiss: "Right... and thats when you decided to get under the covers and get into his arms." She mocked.

"Ughh, now even the ice queen is gonna joke about it." She hung her head in defeat.

"Are you all done?" They turned their attention to Royku who came out the bathroom, his clothes were on and his hair was down and a bit wet, only seeing his lower eyes.

Blake: "You can still see?" She asked as he fixed his hair back.

Royku: "Yeah, I can still see that Yang isn't ready like you said she would be. Better hurry before I change my mind." He claimed as Ruby grabbed her sister and hurried back to the dorm, with Weiss following behind.

Blake: "So, you don't find that weird... sleeping in the same bed... with a human?"

 with a human?"

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