Chpt 10. Fuga!

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Royku woke up to his scroll vibrating, he opened his lower left eye to see a text from Yang.

Yang: Have u seen Ruby?

Royku: No
            : I fell asleep on a rooftop

He stood up and stretched and then jumped down and headed towards to where the group was.

Yang: We went down a giant hole that Ruby might have fell in

Royku: How did she-

He stopped as he almost fell into the hole that Yang mentioned, and deleted the message before sending it.

"Sigh... I better not be too late." He jumped down.

Royku found himself under a large underground base. It was completely empty with no sign of the others, but it does look like a fight happened. He kept on searching until he saw a train getting away, "No that can't be..." He thought out loud. It was far but he could still the red, white, black, and yellow team running on top of it. Royku quickly bolted after it as fast as he could, he was gaining enough distance to a train cart and jumped on it.

"Well that was easy." He said as he noticed he was just on a cart and the train was still ahead.

He sighed before his senses were telling him danger is coming, making him quickly jump off and quickly ran to the train before the cart exploded.

(Do all of these have bombs?!) He thought as he sped up trying to catch the train.

More carts were being detached as he moved out the way of all of them before finally catching up to the back of the train.

"Finally!" He said before trying to catch his breath. "I hope all of them don't have bombs."

He went inside to meet Yang who was unconscious on the floor about to be stabbed by Neo.

"Dismantle!" He said as the slash hit Neo knocking her back.

Royku quickly went to Yang and lifted her head gently. "She's alive..." He sighed in relief. "You're gonna die!" He glared at Neo making her step back in fear.

Neo nervously gripped her weapon, deciding if she should attack while he's holding her or run away. She couldn't take the risk fearing for her life, even when the dismantle cut off 30 percent of her aura. So she used her semblance to escape.

"Thanks for helping her Royku." He turned his head to see Raven. "Take care of each other." She said before leaving into her portal.

Yang regained consciousness as she left.


Royku: "You okay?"

Yang: "Y-yeah, thanks for saving me. Where did that pink haired girl go?" She questioned as he helped her up.

Royku: "I dealt with her but she escaped."

Yang: "Wow, didn't think you were the type to let your opponent escape."

"Someone had to watch you while you were sleep."

Yang: "Yeah, yeah, let's just catch up with the others." She rolled her eyes before they ran to the others.

Time Skip

The train wrecked back in Vale. Sirens were going off and grimm were invading. The others were fighting and defending off the grimm, while Royku was knocked out on the ground from the crash.

Yang: "Look who's sleeping now!" She said while fighting the grimm that was attracted to his negative energy. "Please just get up!"

The grim was swarming the group, from Yang's growing fear and Royku's energy.

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