Chpt 19. Bond

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Tai was watching TV while the baby was sleeping on the couch, slumped no nyquil. He smiled and chuckled at the baby's position, on his back with his hands behinds his head and his left leg over his right, with pacifier in his mouth. He had to take a picture for this adorable funny moment, then he heard knocking on the door as the baby turned into a normal position.

"Good thing took I took a picture." He said as went to open the door to meet a black haired four eyed man.

"You must be Tai?" He asked as he saw Raven and Yang standing in the lawn giving them two a smile

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"You must be Tai?" He asked as he saw Raven and Yang standing in the lawn giving them two a smile. "My name is Royku, it's an honor to meet you." As Raven shook her head and rolled her eyes, and Yang nervously chuckled.

Tai: "No no, please stand a hand shake is fine." Tai happily reassured as they shook hands, for the first time in Royku's life he shook hands with someone. "Please everyone come in." He let everyone inside.

Yang went into the living room to see Sukuna sleeping peacefully, as she then gestured for Royku to come to her. His hands were nervously shaking, he could feel the same energy he felt when he was trapped within himself, coming from the couch. Raven could see the nervousness in his face as she gently grabbed his shaking hand, and pulled him over to Yang. As soon as he saw Sukuna, his body froze, but his spirit was warm.

Yang: "Royku meet Sukuna. Our som." She said as she then sat on the couch and gently picked him up, waking the baby up from his slumber rubbing his eyes.

Royku walked in front of Yang and dropped to his knees, surprising everyone on how he randomly collapsed like that. The father and son was looking each other in the eyes. Royku never understood this type of love, especially with father and son, mostly only having mother models.

Sukuna then reached out to him as Royku blinked in confusion and surprise. "He wants you to hold him." Yang said as Royku slowly and gently a grabbed.

It was only a moment of them having eye contact before he finally embraced him with a little hug. Everyone smiled at the father and son interaction, only then they heard small sobbing coming from Royku. Seeing him ball his eyes out.

"Royku." Yang said as she then joined the two.

Raven then went over to Tai and said, "There's a lot to talk about."

After a while of talking in the kitchen while Yang and Royku were bonding with their son.

Tai: "So everybody else besides me, met him? Even Summer?"

"Pretty much. But he came on his choice to meet you and his son for the first time." Raven responded. "He even shook your hand and kneeled to you, showing a lot of respect on sight like that is quite unpredictable from him."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Raven: "When he was younger, I raised him to my tribe... to be tough... but he just became ruthless, and cold hearted at times... like a monster."

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