Chpt 23.

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The three of them made it back with the others, Ruby jumped into all three of them with tears about to fall.

"Why are you about to cry Ruby?" Royku asked.

Ruby: "B-because the robot- and the blood- then you went flying- then you shot the fire arrow but never came back

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Ruby: "B-because the robot- and the blood- then you went flying- then you shot the fire arrow but never came back. But now you came back with Yang and Blake looking fine."

Jaune: "What she's trying to say is how are okay?"

Ren: "It basically squashed you."

Nora: "Like a buugggg..."

Royku: "To be honest it did kind of crush my body..." Yang and Blake looked at him with worry. "And I don't really understand how I'm still standing when my head is feeling lightheaded..." His vision was getting dark before he collapsed to the ground.

"Royku!" Yang tended to him as Qrow checked for a pulse.

Qrow: "He's, just get him into the bullhead. We don't want more Atlas problems, let's get out of here while we can." Him and Yang then gently placed him in the bullhead.

While they were flying off, his nose started bleeding and his body began twitching. "Royku it's ok, I got you." Yang spoke to him with his head on her lap, while wiping his nose.

A large sea grimm emerged from the ocean and started making its way to the town, with other grimm flying around. Ruby was outside trying to use her silver eyes, Yang and Nora was shooting at it to get its attention, and Weiss was trying to maintain the glyph summoned Ruby was flying on. With the help of the lamp, she was able to use her silver eyes in the frozen time then the mech came to finish off the grimm.

Time Skip

They were flying to Atlas everyone was fine but Royku, his body had large bruises and he had a fever. Yang stuck by his side to comfort him, she didn't know what to do and Jaune couldn't help him because Royku has no aura.

"You're okay, you're going to be okay." Yang spoke to him.


Royku was running around through the forest, being chased by grimm. A beowolf jumped out in front of him and smacked him into a tree, he used dismantle to cut its head off before it could pounce on him.

"This is going to be interesting or a pain." He said as he began to be surrounded by beowolves. A total of 12.

On charged from behind as Royku flipped over it and slashed at its back. Two rushed him before  he could land on his feet, he managed to punch one but the other scratched his arm he tried to block with, knocking him on his back. He rolled to his feet and was clawed at the side of his stomach and was bit in his leg, he immediately pushed them away.

A lot of blood was leaking but he can't give up now. One charged at him and tried to pounce but he vertically cut it in half. He then dodged out the way from being bit in the shoulder and punched the grimm with an uppercut, sending it into the air, but he grabbed its foot mid air and threw it into another. He stopped one from biting at his head by grabbing its mouth, and used cleave to cut its head into pieces.

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