Chpt 15. Seed of Yin Yang

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After such tragedy took place in one night. Much chaos, destruction, and grief. People in Beacon suffered such great loss. The death of Ozpin, Pyrrha, and Royku.

Ruby and Yang were taken back home to their father in Patch. Ruby walked into Yang's room, she already was told about what happened, and it tore her apart, and left her empty.

"Yang..." Ruby softly spoke.

"Ruby." She answered back as Ruby hugged her.

Yang explained what happened to Weiss and Blake, but trying to avoid thinking about Royku but wasn't able to.

Yang: "You don't have to worry about me." She said as tears emerged from her eyes. "That was the last thing he said to me. I thought we would make it together... but I barely did and he didn't at all." She said with sadness and tears almost soaking her covers.

Ruby: "Yang I'm sorry... I wish I could've helped him. But he wanted to fight that monster alone because nobody else was able to do much to it."

Yang: "At least he died doing what he loved..." She said with her face down.

"Stand proud... you are strong." Ruby said to her sister making her face shot up.


Royku and Yang were out alone training together.

"Come on Yang you can do better than that." He said while dodging her punches as she was getting aggravated.

He dodge and slipped as he placed his palm onto her stomach.

"If I was a real enemy I could've stabbed you in guts right now." He patted her stomach as she blushed and smacked his face.

Yang: "You don't have to be a jerk while sparring you know." She said while he was rubbing her face.

Royku: "My bad. Come on let's do it again. But this time try to be unpredictable."

Yang: "It's easy for you to say when you know how to adapt in a fight

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Yang: "It's easy for you to say when you know how to adapt in a fight." She got in her stance.

Royku: "Yang, no matter what situation you end up in. In a battle or not. Stand proud... you are strong." He said making her blush a little.

"Just shut up and come at me already..."

End of Flashback

"He stood his ground no matter what." Yang stated. "I just wish he didn't at that moment."

Ruby: "If it weren't for him coming in, I would've been a goner and so would everyone else trying to fight that thing. He left as a hero, sacrificing himself and saved everyone else."

"Just leave me Ruby..."

Shortly after Ruby left with Juane, Ren, and Nora, in their journey for answers. Leaving the depressed Yang alone, with her dad.

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