Chpt 9. Still Here

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It's gone dark after the team along with Royku cleared out most of the grimm around the area, but Weiss, Blake, and Yang set up camp in one of the buildings while Ruby was scouting the parameters, and Royku was killing more grimm. After all if he didn't his negative emotions would lure them in to the building while he sleeps.

They were all sleeping, Ruby was up keeping watch and Royku was still out killing grimm... supposedly.

"Grimm am I right?" He jumped down to Ruby who was scoping a grimm.

"Ah!" She nearly screamed but he covered her mouth.

Royku: "You're supposed to be huntress right? Learn to use your sense." He disappointingly shook his head. "Can let anyone sneak up on you if you're the one thats far out shooting." He sat by a wall.

Ruby: "What are you doing still up? You should be sleeping with the others."

Royku: "I can manage my own, I got my own team to worry about."

Ruby: "Wait but you are your own team?"

"Exactly." He grinned. "You know when you and your team is out on there own, I won't be there to help."

Ruby: "What? Why?"

Royku: "Well for starters your team rwby, not rwby and Royku. Plus I might get bored of Beacon someday and leave."

Ruby: "But people come to Beacon to become hunters, isn't that why you came here? And what about Yang?" She asked as she continued keeping watch.

Royku: "I only came to Beacon out of curiosity, my dream isn't really to be a huntsman."

Ruby: "What? But you're crazy strong, I thought you were dedicated to being a strong huntsman or something."

Royku: "My dreams of being a huntsman was killed long ago. I can care less about Beacon."

"And what about Yang?" She asked as he paused for a moment.

Royku: "If she wants to be what she wants to be, then who am I to tell her otherwise. Yang can do what she wants, she's strong, good fighter, and courageous."

Ruby: "Is fighting all you really think about? Is that the only thing you see in her?"


"Something about her I just can't get the right words for

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"Something about her I just can't get the right words for... it's like the words I can't find is what completes my being."

Ruby: "Aww, it's like a love story!" She almost excitedly announced.

Royku: "All of my life I've been fighting and surviving. That's what made me who I am. But she... she's the sun that gives light in the dark spaces in me." He said as she looked at him with stars in her eyes. "What?"

Ruby: "Nothing... your combo can be wasp or hornet, her and Blake are already took bumblebee."

Royku: "Combo?!" He stood. "The only combo is me." He then left.

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