Chpt 14. Fall

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Moments after Royku and Yang were "done". Royku went to the bathroom while she was sitting on her bed in a much better mood, until Qrow came out of nowhere and made her nervous, but not showing it. He saw the robe Royku wear but paid no mind to, Yang on the other hand was showing small signs of nervousness.

Royku was sitting in the bathroom thinking about what they just did, he saw his face a bit red as he threw water on him.

(What was that? It felt good, did it feel good to her? Did she think I felt good? Was that a bad thing? Couldn't have been, sounded like she liked it.) His thoughts were racing as he didn't notice he was pacing on the floor, walls, and the ceiling.

(She felt good, everything about her is good to me.) He then noticed he was standing on the ceiling then he got down and walked out.

Yang and Qrows turned their attention to him, making the boy feel awkward.

Yang and Qrows turned their attention to him, making the boy feel awkward

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"Am I interrupting something?" He asked.

Qrow: "Not at all. So you're the hot topic that makes my niece turn red." He said as Royku sat next to Yang, but not too close.

"I think so... hot topic?" He asked in confusion.

Yang: "Royku this is my uncle Qrow. Well you two already met... you met everyone but my dad. Hope he doesn't get upset or anything." She  nervously chuckled as Royku heart dropped but didn't show it in his face.

Royku: "Why would he be mad?"

"Nah don't worry about Tai, good man. Just don't give him a reason to be, hell if I think you're good, so does my sister, and Summer. Then you're fine."

Royku: "Oh... uhh... what that th-." Yang covered his mouth as Qrow raise an eyebrow.

Yang: "Tell us your experience with my mom." She suggested, removing her hand from his mouth.

Qrow: "Tell us how she trained you."

Royku: "Well it wasn't easy, but when she thought I was ready she threw me into a pack of grimm by myself."

"Yup that something she would do."

Yang: "That's insane you must've been so young and scared."

"Young? Yes, scared? No."

"Makes sense." She replied.

Royku: "I was only 11 at the time, and it was only like 10 or 11 of them. I was excited really, blood was pumping, adrenaline was rushing. I won in one piece, but not unscathed."

Qrow: Damn kid, when did she start training you?" He drunk out of his flask.

"When I was 7. Our first training was sparring, that's when fighting became like a passion of mine. Even though I was bruised and knocked out." He said as Qrow nearly choked on his drink.

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