Chapter - 3

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Rahul saw hardik with his team and he felt very good seeing him but he felt ashamed on his act how he react with all the captain thing how he turned his back towards hardik and he left when hardik need him the most .

But he also can't ignore the hurt in Rohit's eyes he saw first time he saw rohit with such a sad face he knew how much he felt vulnerable he was not in his place but rohit is his brother and brother matters more than anything,more than his love too .

He smiled when he remembered how happy hardik was when he saw hardik how much he was excited and the laugh on his face the clear innocence and love in his eyes for Rahul was everything for him .

He was punishing himself from that day when he left hardik when he broke up with he he himself broke into pieces he don't remember when he got a peaceful sleep after that day he don't remember when he smiled whole heartedly after he broke up with hardik he don't remember when he genuinely felt happy he miss hardik so much so so so much he missed his everything.

His talk his face the clearly mischevious grin on his face whenever he prank someone his heart eyes when he looked at Rahul his adorable soft eyes his juicy lips his talks his cuddles everything.

He himself craved for hardik more than anything but everything took over him he himself was so much in pressure the continuous hate he was getting after world cup and then things happened with Rohit then his father going through health issues mummy suddenly having heart attack his sister's sudden divorce with her husband everything was so much for him that he let that out on hardik that he hurted him .

He was so much hurt after hurting hardik he knows he have lost hardik but why God is giving him punishment he really want to ask for forgiveness from hardik he really want to tell him that happened these past few months but he can't help don't want to give his problems to him .

Rahul have lost himself when he lost hardik even his eyes beg for hardik his whole world beg for hardik for his presence for his touch for his talk fir his smile for his comfort for his understanding everything for his everything.

He just can't live without him yet he is living without him knowing he will eventually hurt himself and hardik more but the thing he care about is his brother the hurt is still fresh infront of his eyes.

He don't know why hardik did that too rohit he knew their must be something that he don't know but he don't want to believe it he just don't want his heart to ache for hardik he wants to forget him still he is not able to do that God is really giving him punishment.

Asking him to choose between his love and his brother and he chose his brother and now dieing for his love .

He was sitting in his room thinking about this all he is captain of CSK and making his team win giving his best but what about his heart that only want Mumbai Indians team's captain.

He closed his eyes and layed on his bed thinking about everything that happened that day ,


Their world cup final ended everyone was so hell fucking sad because India lost they did everything to make India win won every single match still they didn't won the final but he can't do anything.

He just came from meeting with BCCI they called him for discussing about him being caption in their next test series against South Africa after two months.

He went to team Room and saw everyone silent he was in confusion why everyone is so silent he knows that they all are sad because they lost world cup but atleast everyone was trying to move on ..

He went inside and asked about this jassi told him what happened and also told him that Mumbai Indians made hardik their new captain and it was all done by hardik's wish .

He was shocked to hear this .

(Sorry for late update I was busy actually)

Hope you all like it 🥰 🥰.

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