Chapter -8

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Virat talked with hardik for more than a hour where as shubman was playing with agaysaty and Aditya was holding him and taking glances from agaysaty he was talking only few words as he had baby in his arms to take care of .

Just after that Virat took them with himself to akkay who was in mahi bhai's arms rohit was standing beside him akkay looked at hardik and he was forwarding him hands so that hardik can carry him and he did virat took akkay from mahi bhai's arms and gave it to hardik Bhai also didn't mind as he knows Virat was doing it for hardik's happiness Rahul also came their with jassi and bhuvi was already standing their .

Ishan also join them with subhi ishan was having agaysaty in his arms and was cutely talking with him and all Aditya did was to stare at hardik he loved the way hardik had a beautiful smile on his face after seeing akkay .

He looked at Aditya and find him already staring at him and gave him a very beautiful smile of his and gave akkay to him who made a very loud giggle stating he liked Aditya.

Rohit was happy to see hardik happy but was very guilty with the way he behaved with hardik throughout the whole ipl season and no one failed to notice the love eyes Aditya was giving to hardik like he is world to him .

After talking few words with virat hardik took his leave and Virat also went with them having akkay with him as he needs some sleep he was tired and Rohit also went with him because he wants to cuddle his husband.

That day went very normal but then the team was standing in corridor talking and just then Aditya came and behind him hardik was chasing him with sleeper in his hands and was shouting curses whole taking Aditya's name .

Aditya came and hide behind virat who was surprised but sensing what is going to happen he stopped hardik and said ,

Virat:- what happened hardik why are you chasing him with sleeper.

Hardik sighned and then take a deep breath and then spoke,

Hardik :- bhai this rascal gave me headache I was sleeping peacefully and this idiot made whole room like a garbage bin like someone throwed garbage in room cloth shattered everywhere in room and the whole room looking very Massy he even manage to destroy our washroom like seriously the whole washroom was coloured in red colour god knows what he was doing but trust me I want to slap the hell out of it he and agaysaty about give me a headache  .

Aditya looked at him with puppy eyes and Virat pat his head and said ,

Virat:- hardik it's okey he will clean it up

Hardik:- Bhai he will destroy our  room even more I can't hold the cleanliness from him he will make even bigger mess i will kill you today you DUMBASS.

Aditya got scread and again lowered his head sensing hardik will kill him today

Aditya:- but baby I was just trying to decorate the whole washroom for you so that you can take relaxing bath in a beautiful washroom and wo the clothes actually na I was trying to find my black t shirt that's why and I was not able to find it so I got irritated and throw the clothes all over the room.

Hardik went near him and smake his head and hold his ear and took him to their room giving him lecture,

Hardik:- adi you should have woke me up i would have find that for you why you mess it up .

Aditya:- i don't want to disturb your sleep

He said with very innocent and puppy eyes.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Finally RCB qualify kar gaei 🥳🥳

Hope you all like it 🥰 🥰.

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