Chapter - 10

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They both sat their silently letting their feelings out both can here eachother's crying sound but didn't dare to go and hold that person in their arm hardik went away from their and washed his face from water Rahul also came their father sometime.

So the matches started from 2 nd day and as always Mumbai didn't perform well but somehow hardik tried to maintain the strike but he was not able to the because he can't make team win match Alone right still he tried his best the bowling like up choke up very badly and batting like also end very bad rohit got out on duck ishan only score 23 runs sky also got out on duck and others were also didn't did great.and they went out of turnament they got eliminated.

Next day they left the city and went to their house just CSK and RCB were in final and RCB won final .

Which was very nice hardik called them to wish and he called Virat and they were watching photos in his phone.

His phone was attached to projecter and everyone was their rohit ishan and Rahul and others they came to watch match hardik was not able to come he went to visit doctor and also Aditya had important meeting so he was sad but he called to wish .

Hardik was talking to him and Aditya shouted,

Aditya:- hardik yarr where is my tshirt

Hardik looked at his back Aditya was roaming around the house shirtless and was only on his shorts he didn't notice that hardik was in call and came they and hugged him from back slucking.

Hardik gave him very done look and went to find his tshirt he then looked at hardik's laptop and found them staring at him he moved from their only showing his face hardik came their and gave him tshirt he took that and went away Virat laughed so hard on this but other than him everyone felt not so comfortable as they first time saw Aditya behaving like that with hardik like that .

Then Aditya came wearing his tshirt and agaysaty in his arms they talked for sometime and then disconnected the call .

Soon the world cup started and Aditya was also their for world cup he came with hardik and he was supporting hardik too hardik did also best .

Virat and hardik were best performer of this t-20 world cup and their were only 5 Matches left .

Aditya came to Virat and asked about where should he take hardik on a date he told him a beautiful river side .

And they went on a date their ,

They had dinner and Aditya and hardik went to walk agastya was with their managers hardik posted a story of their date and enjoying with family story.

Although everyone was shocked to see this Virat was happy because he knows that only this things can give agaysaty his real parents back .

Small things matters the most and that wa right this things started to bother Rahul and he started to go in date they had two weeks gap and he went in dates hardik didn't like it he was burning from I side both Rahul and hardik didn't like them being close with others.

But virat was like let it be ye tum dono ki akal thikane lagayega hardik was going towards team room .

Aditya was not with him Rahul grab his hands and took him inside him room .
Hardik was shocked to react but when he saw Rahul he relaxed he knows Rahul will never harm him and he was right.

Rahul just hugged him and sobbed in his arms hardik didn't said anything and just hugged him knowing he needs it .

He looked at hardik with glass eyes hardik kissed his forehead their was a very known understanding which both of them were awear of Rahul said,

Rahul:- hardik you moved on so quickly i never thought you will forget me this much soon

He realised Rahul was drunk he again said,

Rahul:- I broke up with you but I was never able to move on and you moved on and have a kid with someone else am i this much forgettable for you hardik .

He broke down in tears Hardik don't know what to do his heart was aching too seeing Rahul like that he knows how much rahul can overthink about something.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰 😍.

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