Chapter - 6

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Next morning hardik went to have breakfast with team along with agaysaty and Aditya they came to dinning area.

Virat looked at them he was holding akkay in his arms who was looking at him adoring his mumma he got up from his chair and handed akkay to Rohit who looked at him being confused but then he saw hardik standing their holding a baby and Aditya was beside him .

Virat came to them and hugged Aditya rohit was shocked because he never knew that Virat knows Aditya,Aditya hugged him back .

Hardik looked at them smiling then Virat side hugged hardik and took agaysaty from him who came to Virat easily and started giggling seeing him both hardik and Aditya were looking at him ,

Aditya:- looks like he like you a lot.

Virat smiled at it and said ,

Virat:- ofcourse he is my nephew how can he not like me right baby

Virat also made a yaa sound and three of them smiled at this Virat said ,

Virat:- how was your journey adi

Aditya:- it was good bhai ,by the way how are you and how is our young king what should I call him young king Sharma or young king kholi.

Virat laughed at it and said ,

Virat :- we both are fine and you can call him whatever you want .

Virat gave him warm smile and gave aguasyay to hardik and told them to sit and have breakfast.

They both sat everyone was looking at them Virat told them to eat not to stare at hardik ,

Virat looked at Rahul and saw him breaking through his eyes he felt bad seeing that but he knew he can't do anything he is sure that Rahul have misunderstood hardik.

No one asked hardik anything not even a single question and virat was eating silently looking at them just then Agastya started crying he was crying very badly hardik's fouced got on agaysaty he started rocking him in air trying make him stop cry he was about to get up but Aditya stopped him and said ,

Aditya:- you eat let me take care of him you have practice too so you need energy

Hardik looked at him and said thanks and handed agaysaty to Aditya who went away taking agaysaty with him and when he came back aguasyay was sleeping peacefully.

After that they all were going to ground just then Virat came to Rahul holding agaysaty with him .

He gave aguasyay to Rahul hardik and Aditya were watching this but they didn't said anything everyone noticed a small smile on hardik's face .

Rahul was shocked but saw agaysaty who was looking at him he woke up just few minutes ago his eyes shining and he was looking really innocent.

Rahul kissed agastya's forehead and started rocking him in air he was adoring the baby and baby was also responding to it giggling and throwing his small hands and fist in air .

Rahul was happy but hurt he didn't even said anything everyone left leaving Virat and Rahul their and other went to ground even hardik and Aditya who don't even like to leave baby for even a second but they had to leave Rahul is his father and he have full rights to stay with agaysaty as much as he wants.

After more like one hour of Rahul playing with agaysaty he handed him to Virat who said ,

Virat:- he is just like hardik right

Rahul :- yes he is so smiler to him his mumma and him have really nice eyes.

Virat:- you know sometimes we should know other party side to or else we will only regret.

Rahul understood what virat want's to say he was indicating to what happened with hardik rohit and Mumbai Indians,

He said ,

Rahul:- their is no point of looking at past now he is with someone else have a cute baby with him enjoying his life and what I gave him was only pain

Virat stayed silent for sometime and said ,

Virat :- maybe not everything is true ,
Go to practice.

Rahul said okey and went away virat came to the cafe area of hotel and handed agaysaty to Aditya who was waiting for them using his phone and agaysaty was sleeping.

Virat said thanks and went to ground.

Everyone was looking at him but he didn't said anything and went to nets to practice.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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