Chapter - 4

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He don't want to believe them but he can't do anything he knew that he had to they shoved him proof and all the things going on social media everywhere fans were sad because of that .

But the one thing that catch his eyes was rohit as Virat was not their he had meeting with BCCI too after Rahul's meeting so he went their .

Rohit was looking divested his eyes lowering looking at floor his body stuffed and head low .

Lips was in a very sad smile hands tribling he went to him and asked the team to go to their rooms they were not ready but they agreed as after rohit and Virat they know Rahul is someone who knows what is best for team .

He just made rohit sat on binbag and made him looked at him rohit didn't meet his eyes but Rohit's forehead was tensed.
Rahul hugged him knowing he needs it rohit also hug him back and soon Rahul felt that something is wetting his tshirt and he knows that Rohit is crying breaking his strong walls infront of him .

Rohit knows that Rahul is like a brother and virat's kid so his also and he also knows that how much rahul care about him and virat and the whole team .

He knows that Rahul will never judge him so he let his emotions fell infront of Rahul who was looking at his bhaiya hurt in his eyes.

Rohit cried and cried till he felt that he is good and he felt better.

After letting his emotions go he was feeling like a storm in his heart left he looked at Rahul who was also having tears in his eyes.

Rahul hugged him and said 'sorry bhiya so sorry " rohit just hugged him and said he is okey just maybe he didn't become a a great captain for mumba Indians.

Rahul didn't said anything but felt hurt seeing his bhiya saying this because he always belive that his rohit bhiya was very strong and he knows he is still just he felt very bad seeing him crying like that he knows that what rohit is thinking he knew very welly why Mumbai Indians did that and that triggered Rahul that how can they do that just because rohit didn't made them won world cup when he literally gave his 200%in this world cup .

After making sure rohit is okey and safe in his room rahil went to his room only to see hardik being happy and excited about something first time in his life he felt like he want to punch hardik .

Because he hurted his bhiya and in anger and hurt pain and emotional disbalnce he broke with hardik knowing very welly he will regret it later .

And went away from him shifted his room and before leaving he saw hardik with tears flowing continuously from his eyes no emotion on his face hurt clearly visible in his eyes near bed sittings on floor continuously looking at Rahul with hurt eyes and one last time he said "trust me Rahul i didn't did anything please believe me I can never do this with anyone please believe me ".

And with that lady look and words of hardik he left the room .

When he entered his room he cried and cried on what he did how can he hurt hardik but in his heart somehow he was feeling good because rohit matters more than anything.

Flashback end.......

He opened his eyes having tears in them he just want to go and tell hardik that he is sorry but didn't did that went inside washroom and got fresh up.

Went downstairs had breakfast with team mahi noticed how pale and sad Rahul is looking through his cover of being happy with team he went near him and took him to corner asked him what happened Rahul just said he is tired and to not think much .

And left on his way to ground he was thinking about team when they get to know hardik and Rahul both broke up although everyone was sad because of the things happen in team and this matter was bomb on them but no one said anything regardless this matter.

Only Virat said one thing"you are hurting him and thinking it's good but trust me you are also hurt you say or not I can understand that with your eyes".

His train of thought got broke when tilak called him for net practice.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it

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