Chapter - 7

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After practice hardik and Aditya went to garden for a walk with agaysaty Rahul was also their with jassi they both were talking when they saw hardik and Aditya and agaysaty was in hus babycots sleeping peacefully.

Rahul looked at them and imagine him on place of Aditya how would they look he miss hardik so much

Jassi was also thinking the same it's being two months he had talked to hardik properly and suddenly he got the news that hardik had a baby who is two and half month old .

He also miss hardik's non stop winning to him about each and everything afterall they were bestfriend his senseless talks his pranks everything but he himself was responsible for this after all he made distance between not hardik .

On top of that hardik only told them to trust him once but all they did was betray him broke his trust and nothing else

Rohit also came their with mahi bhai ,virat akkay was in jad's arm ,bhuvi ,sanju and subhman.

Subhman went to hardik and talked with him happily hardik also didn't mind talking to Subhman as that kid never ignored him and subhman went to jad and took akkay from him and went to hardik.

He gave akkay to hardik ,hardik was hesitating because akkay is son of rohit too and knowing their conditions now he don't think rohit will appreciate hardik holding akkay .

He had inner battle with him but virat told him to hold akkay and he did he kissed akkay all over his face that big giggled .

Rohit was thinking how fast night change for him hardik was like his own kid and some misunderstanding made them so fr away from eachother.from.hardik being a kid to hardik having his own kid he hate how fast night changed.

Although he never admitted but hardik was a important part of life after virat someone who can give him headache was hardik not like he don't like that just virat is the only person who used to do that because others never tried it knowing his anger but this boy never feared of him .

Mahi bhai wondered where that Hardik went who was winning to him few days ago about jassi not speaking to him where that cute bubbly boy went how come everything changed this much it was very hard to accept but knowing the destiny they have to they all made him do this they all throw him away from them now it's hurting them that he is away from them the deserve it because it's there on Karma whatever whoever say this but there heart clinch  for the childish rumbling of  Hardik.

It's like there live have been turn 360 degrees because not having Hardik with them everything seems colourless as the boy used to be colour of their life his voice echo and whole ICT dressing room his childhood his childhood his childish act soft and innocent side per Shubhan and ishan a very rare side as he was the loudest in the room crazy as fuck but he was light in the life Virat was able to make them smile like that and after that Hardik in this few days Virat also lost his smile something was cooking inside him that he was not telling to anyone not even to Rohit his partner his best friend the father of his son the fat like to most important person of their life went away from them although Virat was with them tell something is missing like it's not Virat they know like it's hardik's big brother not there kiddo not there vi .

Hardik was talking with Subhman  while holding a akkay who was staring at Hardik face and agaysaty was looking at his mumma he just woke up .

Virat went to them and talked with them everyone were stopped on their place they saw both virat and Hardik laughing very genuinely after a long time the pain they have given to Hardik was replaced by smile Virat gave him they got that why Virat is everyone's favourite because he always understand everyone never disappoint them never leave them in their hard time always give them back never turn his back towards them give them a protective shield in his embarc protect them from anything never think of himself he has always been favourite of kids because of his this behaviour and yes someone said right Virat was Virat is virat will be life of cricket..

( Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰 😍.

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