In a secluded corner of the forest, far from the hustle and bustle of village life, lived a simple mortal young man. He resided alone in a quaint cottage, deep within the ancient woods. The mortal was a kind-hearted soul, gathering herbs to heal and save the wounded animals he often found during his wanderings. Despite his solitary existence, he felt a sense of peace in the forest, even though he had no memory of his past, not even his own name or family. He had simply woken up one day, alone and without recollection, in this mysterious woodland.
Unbeknownst to the mortal, the forest was no ordinary place. It belonged to the Demon Tribe and was teeming with monsters and beasts that preyed on unsuspecting herbalists, travelers, and villagers. The forest had become even more dangerous under the rule of the new Demon King, who was far more ruthless and cruel than his predecessor. The new king cast out monsters, beasts, slaves, and anyone no longer deemed useful, throwing them into the forest to fend for themselves.
One day, the peaceful forest was disrupted as Joong, the Crown Prince of the Dragon Clan, and his trusted general, Pond, pursued a fearsome monster that had been terrorizing nearby villages. The creature had devoured several villagers, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Determined to eliminate the threat, Joong and Pond tracked the monster deep into the forest.
As they entered the dense woods, Joong and Pond decided to split up to cover more ground. Joong moved with silent precision, his senses heightened as he closed his eyes and used his powers to locate the monster. His search led him closer to a small clearing where the mortal was tending to a wounded rabbit, unaware of the danger surrounding him.
From a distance, the mortal noticed the back of a striking figure standing among the trees. The presence exuded an aura of strength and grace, unlike anything he had ever seen. Intrigued, he watched silently, his curiosity piqued.
Joong, sensing another presence nearby, turned around and caught sight of him. The mortal's delicate features and gentle demeanor instantly captivated him. For a brief moment, their eyes met, and Joong felt a strange, powerful connection.
However, aware of the divine laws that forbade his interaction with mortals and the urgency of his mission, Joong quickly vanished from sight, leaving the mortal wondering if he had just seen a figment of his imagination. The rabbit in his hands wiggled, reminding him of the immediate task at hand, but the image of the mysterious figure lingered in his mind.
Nine Tailed Fox and The Dragon (joongdunk fanfic)
FanfictionThe story revolves around Dunk, a fox from the Fox Clan, who falls into a deep sleep after battling the Demon King. Meanwhile, Joong, the Crown Prince of the Dragon Clan, encounters Daonuea, a mortal who brings brightness into his life. When Daonuea...