Awakening the True Self

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Joong: "I do, Dunk. But... there are things you don't understand." He sighed, looking pained. "Dunk, I'm sorry."

With those words, Joong turned and left the room, leaving Dunk alone. Dunk sat on the bed, feeling a hollow ache in his chest. Tears eventually welled up and fell down his cheeks, his emotions a swirling storm of confusion and heartache.

In the dim light of the room, the Nightmare Nectarum began to glow more intensely, casting an eerie light. Dunk noticed the flower's unusual brightness and got out of bed, moving closer to it.

Dunk: "Why are you glowing so much today?" he murmured, reaching out to touch the flower.

The moment his fingers made contact, an electric jolt shot through his body, coursing through his veins. Memories flooded back, memories of being Daonuea. Images, feelings, and moments that he thought were lost came rushing back with overwhelming clarity.

As the memories surged within him, the Nightmare Nectarum wilted completely, its power spent. Dunk, now overwhelmed with the full weight of his regained memories and feelings, collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down his face.

Dunk: "I... I am Daonuea..." he whispered, the realization settling heavily in his heart.

Hesitating for a moment, trying to process the enormity of what he had just experienced, Dunk suddenly vanished into thin air, leaving the room empty and silent, the wilted flower the only evidence of what had just transpired.

Dunk appeared in the sanctuary of his fourth brother, his body suddenly collapsing onto the floor. Alarmed, the Fourth Prince rushed out of his chamber.

Fourth Prince: "DUNK!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with worry.

Dunk, feeling weak, managed a faint smile. "Brother, I'm fine. Just let me rest for a while."

The Fourth Prince quickly scooped Dunk up and brought him into a nearby room, gently laying him on a bed. Dunk slept for some time before finally waking up to find his brother sitting by his side, eyes full of concern.

Fourth Prince: "Dunk, you're awake? Are you feeling all right now?" His voice was soft but anxious.

Dunk nodded, still feeling a bit weak. "Yes, I'm okay now."

Fourth Prince: "Can you tell me what happened?"

Dunk took a deep breath and recounted the entire story. As he spoke, the Fourth Prince listened intently, his brow furrowing deeper with each detail. When Dunk finished, his brother nodded slowly, a look of understanding dawning on his face.

Fourth Prince: "I understand everything now," he said thoughtfully. "The Demon King, after years of practicing dark magic and feeding on others' nightmares, sought revenge when you sealed him."

The Fourth Prince paused, his eyes meeting Dunk's. "Before you could completely seal him, the Demon King released all his dark magic, along with his spirit and soul, targeting you."

Dunk's eyes widened, the weight of his brother's words sinking in.

Fourth Prince: "As an immortal, you couldn't die, but the attack cast out your spirit and soul. Your real body fell into a deep slumber while your spirit reincarnated in the mortal world as Daonuea, devoid of any past memories."

He continued, his voice tinged with a mix of sorrow and anger. "Years later, Daonuea unknowingly encountered the Nightmare Nectarum. The flower fed on Daonuea's nightmares, ultimately triggering the awakening of your true self."

Dunk, absorbing the explanation, felt a mixture of emotions—relief at understanding, but also sadness for the lost time and experiences. He looked at his brother with gratitude.

Dunk: "Thank you for explaining, brother. I feel... I feel like I finally understand what happened to me."

The Fourth Prince placed a reassuring hand on Dunk's shoulder. "We will get through this together, Dunk. We'll find a way to reconcile your past and present selves."

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