The Hidden Past of the Nightmare Nectarum (1)

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As Joong departed to attend to his duties as the crown prince, Dunk took advantage of Joong's absence to retreat to the Dragon's Garden once more. Climbing up to the highest perch of a tree, he lay down on a thick branch, idly plucking a twig and fiddling with it.

Lost in thought, Dunk pondered Joong's recent behavior. He couldn't shake the memory of Joong's flirtatiousness that morning, the gentleness in his gestures, and the intensity in his eyes that made Dunk's heart race.

As Dunk contemplated, Phuwin happened to pass by the garden. Dunk spotted him from his vantage point and called out.

Dunk: "Hey, I know you! You're the one who always heals me!"

Phuwin glanced around, searching for the source of the voice, until Dunk waved to him from above.

Dunk: "I'm up here!"

Phuwin looked up, his expression shifting to one of concern.

Phuwin: "Fifth Prince, please be careful."

Dunk descended from the tree, landing gracefully on the ground.

Dunk: "Are you the one who always heals me?"

Phuwin bowed respectfully.

Phuwin: "Yes, that's me, Fifth Prince."

Dunk smiled brightly.

Dunk: "What's your name?"

Phuwin straightened up, a bit taken aback.

Phuwin: "My name is Phuwin, Fifth Prince."

Without hesitation, Dunk leaped forward and embraced Phuwin in a hug.

Dunk: "Thank you for healing me, Phuwin. We're friends now. You can call me Dunk."

Phuwin was surprised by Dunk's gesture, his eyes widening at the request to drop formalities.

Phuwin: "Fifth Prince... I can't, it's against—"

Dunk raised his hand to stop Phuwin mid-sentence.

Dunk: "I don't care about rules. I'll do whatever I want. And I order you to drop formalities from now on."

Phuwin hesitated, but Dunk's commanding tone left little room for argument.

Phuwin: "But... but..."

Dunk crossed his arms, fixing Phuwin with a stern look.

Dunk: "Phuwin..."

Dunk's warning tone silenced Phuwin's protests.

Phuwin: "Y-yes, Dunk."

Dunk patted Phuwin's head with a satisfied grin.

Dunk: "Now that's more like it. Phuwin, are you free now? I want to ask you some questions."Phuwin, still slightly bewildered by Dunk's boldness, nodded hesitantly, ready to comply with Dunk's request.

Phuwin nodded, and Dunk pulled him aside, eager to get answers.

Dunk: "Phuwin, tell me, why does the Crown Prince keep a Nightmare Nectarum in his room?"

Phuwin's expression turned to shock.

Phuwin: "How did you...?"

Dunk cut him off with an explanation.

Dunk: "I saw it. The first time I snuck into his room, I noticed it. At that time, I didn't think much of it, but later it occurred to me that it was the Nightmare Nectarum."

Phuwin hesitated, unsure if he should provide an answer.

Phuwin: "You'll need to ask the Crown Prince personally. I can't tell you anything."

Dunk's disappointment was evident on his face.

Dunk: "Is it related to Daonuea?"

Phuwin nodded slightly.

Phuwin: "Fifth... Dunk, you need to be careful. Do not touch or go near that flower. It's really dangerous."

Dunk nodded, his eyes now filled with sadness.

Dunk: "I know. It's a cursed flower in my clan."

Confusion clouded Phuwin's features at Dunk's revelation.

Phuwin: "Doesn't the Nightmare Nectarum belong to the Demon Tribe?"

Dunk shook his head and squatted down, resting his hands on his knees. Phuwin followed suit, squatting beside him. Dunk began to tell the story of the Nightmare Nectarum.

Dunk's voice carried a somber tone as he began to speak, his eyes reflecting the weight of the memories he was about to share.

Dunk: "Originally, it was just a cursed flower in my clan. We were ordered to destroy it, but the Demon Tribe managed to get their hands on it and transformed the flowers into something far more sinister. Let me tell you the tale."

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