Morning Bliss

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Joong and Daonuea began their usual routine. Daonuea busied himself in the kitchen, preparing a delicious breakfast, while Joong hovered behind him, his arms wrapped lovingly around his waist.

With a warm smile, Daonuea set the table, and they sat down to eat. But just as Daonuea was about to take his first bite, Joong surprised him with a playful request.

Joong: "Would you be so kind to feed me, wifey?"

Blushing at the endearment, Daonuea giggled softly before picking up the chopsticks and offering a bite of food to Joong. With a gentle touch, Joong grabbed Daonuea's hand and planted a tender kiss, their love shining brightly in the morning light.

After their hearty breakfast, Daonuea began to prepare for his trip to the forest to gather herbs and berries. But before he could head out, Joong dashed over to him, wrapping him in a backhug.

Joong: "Wifey! Where are you going?"

Daonuea chuckled at Joong's clinginess, his heart swelling with affection for his beloved.

Daonuea: "I'm going to pick some herbs and berries in the forest, maybe even some pretty flowers."

Joong's eyes lit up with excitement, and he eagerly offered to accompany Daonuea.

Joong: "I want to go with you! I can help you, I know how to hunt."

Though hesitant due to Joong's previous injuries, Daonuea eventually relented, unable to resist Joong's earnest plea.

Daonuea: "Alright, alright. You can come with me."

Joong and Daonuea venture deep into the forest, the tranquility of nature enveloped them in its embrace. Joong had intended to hunt, but Daonuea's gentle nature couldn't bear to see any creature harmed. So, Joong reluctantly settled for practicing his archery skills while they wandered through the woodland.

On one side, Daonuea busied himself picking fresh berries, his keen eyes scanning the forest floor for the ripest fruits. But then, something caught his attention—a flower unlike any he had ever seen before.

A towering stalk of dark red petals swayed gently in the breeze, its beauty captivating Daonuea's senses. Despite his years in the forest, he had never encountered such a unique species.

Curiosity piqued, Daonuea reached out to pluck the flower from its stem. But as his hand made contact, a sudden flash of images flooded his mind—a scene of battle, warriors lying strewn across the ground, their bodies covered in blood. And amidst the chaos, he saw nine exquisite tails adorned with shimmering blue lights.

Shaken by the vision, Daonuea blinked rapidly and shook his head, trying to dispel the unsettling images that lingered in his mind.

Daonuea whispered to himself: "What was all that I just saw?"

Brushing off the strange occurrence, Daonuea plucked the flower and placed it gently in his basket. Then, with a wave to Joong, he called out.

Daonuea: "Joong! It's time to go."

Responding to Daonuea's call, Joong quickly stowed away his bow and rushed to join him, unaware of the mysterious encounter that had just transpired.

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