Chapter 2 - No freaking way!

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Today was my last day at highschool and I'm happy because there will be no more bullies and mean girls and I don't have to kick their ass anymore. And of course no more boring teachers.

"Hey" Grace and Eve said to me "Last day at school huh, excited?"

"Nope just happy I'm not going to be seeing them any more." pointing at the mean girls.


The Bell rung

"See you later bff" and we got class.


Our last class was English and it wasn't boring as always. I got a text from Adam and it says

"New mission. After school get your butt here.
Adam "

"Yes sir" Was all I send.

Wow 3 missions in a row. This next mission must be a good one.

And the rest of the lesson I was thinking about the mission.


After school I went to the headquarters and there waiting for me are Adam and Logan. They were scared to death.

"Agent Olivia we've got a new mission for you" said Logan with a shaky voice.

"I already know that"

"You've been asinged to a mission impossible and only you can accomplish it. Well you take it?" With the same scared voice. Was he scared that I'm not going to take that kind of a mission?

"Absolutely. That's the reason why Impossible is my middle name. So what's the mission then?"

"Your mission is to catch a boy named Edward Jones and his uncle. His a student at the Seford Highschool and he's 17 years old. He's a brunette and has blue\green eyes."

"Well that's easy. Why do you call it missio-" Adam cut me off.

"Your going to LA for a year and not as Olivia Hathaway but as Tarry Montanez. Tarry 17 year old girl and also she's a nerd. And you'll have a blondie wig and blue eye contact." Said Adam in one breath with a scared grin on his face.

"WHAT?! NO FREAKING WAY! There is no way I'm going back in highschool! And plus acting like a nerd , no way!" I snapped

"You said your taking this mission and there is no backing it down." Logan said serious.

"And if you don't take that mission, 'Mission backed down' will be written in your TSA record" said Adam but this time he was sure that I'm going to take the mission, it really happen. He always knows how to make people do something they don't want to. Because his mister smarty pants, he knows everyone's weakness even my l mine. And mine is my TSA record, I can't/won't/mustn't have a 'Mission Failed' or 'Mission Backed down' in that record. I still haven't gotten one and this stupid mission won't destroy my carrier.

"Okay fine I'll do it" I said rolling my eyes.

I can't believe this. I'm going back to highschool when I just finished. I'm going to die. And plus playing a nerd, I'm bad at studying. I don't know how I had A's at school and now they're telling me to play a nerd. And again with the bullies and the mean girls. Why is this world so cruel? God save me!

"Okay your leaving in two days." Said Adam.

"And what's the excuse this time?"

"You're going to a academy for writing in NYC after all we all know you love writing." Logan said and he winked me.

"Okay." I said staying serious.

"Come on let's go train" Logan said with one of his rare smiles.

We got to the training station and I was still angry.

The first thing we did was warmups. Then we did pushups and we spar.

I used all my anger against him and of course I won.

We were training for 3 hours and then he took me to the TSA's studio. There they put a blonde wig on my head and let me put the eye contacts.

They also give me glasses. I'm not wearing glasses. Oh I forgot I have to.

This day could not get any worse.

I looked at the mirror and I was looking at a young nerdy blonde with blue eyes and glasses. It didn't look like myself at all. I didn't recognize myself. Logan started laughing at me.

"What's so funny?"

"You look a lot like a..." I said the last word of his sentence.

"Nerd. Thanks."

Then they give me a letter that says

"Tarry Montanez

Parents: Marine and Jerry Montanez

Born in: Italy

Old: 17

Look: blonde curly hair with blue eyes, glasses, slim, short.

Loves: studying, (I appositely hate that) food, ( my type of person) likes nerdy boys (ewwww)

Hates: mean girls, bullies (we all hate them)

A girl that has never had a boyfriend. She has a brother and lives with her devorsed mother."

Okay I'm going to die. How on earth am I going to like nerdy boys, that's disgusting.

I'm not so great at lying but I'm good at acting. Maybe I'll survive with out 'Mission Failed' in my record

"How do I look? Do you like me with a discise on or without?" I was asking to Logan and pointing at the girl in the mirror.

"I like you more than her even know she's cute too." He smiled at me.

"Ok then."

We left headquarters and headed home. He lives three houses away from mine.

Today was a hard day. I can't believe I have a mission to go to LA for a whole year but not as myself but as Tarry and may I also say she's a nerd. I don't have any backup.

Today was my last day at highschool, my highschool. And for two days I'm going to a new highschool with new people. I'm not going to see my best friends for a year, nor my family. They'll be tinking I'm going to NYC.

May I say, Tarry likes nerdy boys, but I don't. I cannot imagine me flirting with a nerd. And all those bullies, I wanna kick their ass. But if they mess with me they're going to get it. But there isn't anything about giving a big lesson to those who are going to mess with me.

Tomorrow back to training, I have to act in front of my friends and family. I have to lie to them, again.

Wow I'm going to be a nerd for a year. My life can not get any better.

We hope you liked it.
Comment, what do you think will Liv complete her mission? Will it be easy for her?

Update date: 07.07.2015

Sarah and Maggie

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