Chapter 11 - What now

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Me and Andrew put some more information on the board, but it was unsolved or mostly known as IT WAS COVERED WITH RED STRINGS. We also found a place to hide the board. Take a good guess where, just guess... The closest ...

All of a sudden there was a nock on the door and I didn't have my wig on so I sprinted to put it on. While I was fixing my wig I screamed.

"Who is it" I asked walking to the door.

"Delivery for miss Tarry Montanez" and from that second I knew it was the mailman. I rushed to the door screaming

"Coming" I yelled and I fixed my wig to look presentable not like I just crawled out of a dumpster. I opened the door only to see a man with a blue suit and a hat holding a package.

"Are you miss Tarry Montanez" he asked me.

"Yes. Yes I am"

"Sign here and here please"
He was holding some papers for me to sign.

"Here you go" and he handed me the package.

"Thank you" and I closed the door.

I opened the package only to see a... Guess what... Take a good guess... A PEN...

Someone knew me very very well, so why did they get me a pen. But there was also a note and it says:

"Olivia if you see this call us its urgent"

And I knew it was the TSA and I grabbed my TSA phone which was an IPhone 5 with a baby pink case with a big hello kitty saying NERD. Whoa TSA you went a little too far now. So I dialed the TSA and they answerd.

"I thought you won't call"

"Well I did now, sooo why on earth did you get me a pe-" and I was cut off by Logan.

"Calm down Liv and before you can say anything that pen is a gadget it will help you read peoples minds and from the bottom you can write but also shoot comma bullets. And we found something about Edward \Alex"

"What" I said

"His two best friends Jimmy and Austin and his girlfriend Nicole Ferra. She is also like a nerd and she is very friendly and you have the same classes and get to know her and be friends with her and i found out that she loves talking about her boyfriend and stuff and yes"

Wait she was in all my classes and i didnt notice her well i know her name and last name soooo i would be fine and i make friends fast so yah im pretty much good.

"Ok got it Loggie i will inform you if something new happens, and btw the case you have gona a little toooo far with it"

"Hahahahahahahaha ok...ok i get it i get it and"he laughs like a maniack"Just make friends with her and yeah"

He tried to sound more serious but couldnt he was annoying me soo i rolled my eyes and huffed and hung up.

I was sitting on my bed when the door flung open and a worried Andrew walked in.

"W-whats going o-on"i asked in a worried tone.

"You better hide" he told me.

"W-why"i asked this time with a skay tone

'God damn it Liv why are you so soft and stuff when you are near this boy oh my god' i thought to my self

"Because... Britney is coming" i could tell he was worried if something happens to me ughhhh I'm acting so soft and... you know what forget about it.

"Ok... where will i hide" and i looked in the closet and plasted an evil grinn up on my face it was ovius i wanted to suprise her but not in a good way so i grabbef my trusty pen heheh and walked to the closet.

"Liv. Go. Hide. Now" Andrew came in and he was breathing heavily and i realised that when i was in the middle of my thoughts Andrew was out watching for when the "Plastic Barbie"(yes i said barbie) queen came so i speed walked to the closet and walked in and shut the doors. Suddenly there was a scream and i knew it was Britney.

"Where is she!!!!!!!!!" she yelled and rushed in our dorm oh i just wanted to strangle her to death but couldnt ughhhhh.

"What do you want Brittany" Andrew yelled at her and she tried to pull up her best "i love you" face and tried to flirt but that was an old trick and it didn't effect Andrew so he just stood there looking pissed and annoyed at her. They had a long "talk" and Britney stormed out of the room and i walked out of the closet and i satt on my bed with a sad face and i was starring at my hands who were resting on my lap and i didnt realise that Andrew came and sat on my bed too.

"Hey whats wrong"he asked with a worried tone.

"Nothing its just... you got in all this shit just for me and trying to help me and be nice to me and all i do is just sit and dont repay you i... i-im so so so sorry" i dont know why but a tear slid down my cheeck, i couldnt bare to look at Andrew i felt woorthless and weak.

"Hey hey its okay its not a big deal i do it for you and that i can see you smile is a repay from you now replace that frown wirh a smile" he hugged me and i hugged him back and i was happy so so so happy i never felt like this before. And there was one more problem i needed to call my friends i havent herd them for a long time so that made me happy.

Hey you guys we really hoped that you enjoy this part it was published by a mistake and i edited it sooo yeah and please go read the emportaint note.

Love you

Sarah and Maggie

Question time:

What do you thinck about Livs sudden brake down?

What do you think? Is #Alivia okay comment down below ur oppinion and an option.

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