Chapter 24 - What if...?

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Liv's POV

As I opened the message my smile just dropped.

"If you don't give up, your little family at California is going to suffer, but if you don't. And yes I know who they are and they won't survive if you don't do as I say"

I dropped my phone. My hands shaking like crazy and my breathing become heavier and heavier. Last time I felt like this was when I... I had a panic attack. No, no, no. I won't be having right now. Not now.

Breath, just breath... In, out, in and out....

I was talking to myself like crazy. Thank God Andrew is sleeping.

My breathing isn't any better but it doesn't get worse. I took my phone from the ground and text what seemed to be Edward back.

"I'll do whatever you want, just don't touch them. Or I'll hunt you down and rip your head off."

I click quickly the sent button and I realize my hands are still shaking. Oh God how am I going to do that. I can't even protect my partner. He's hurt because of me and Edward now wants to hurt my family. And of course it's my fault. If I weren't this spy they wouldn't suffer. Let's just hope they are okay.

Then the phone in my hand vibrated again. As fast as I could I opened the message and it said:

"At the dance you go out with Andrew, but as Olivia not as Max. You're going to be with him that night and you're going to make that the best night of his life. Then at midnight you give yourself up and I'll take you to my uncle. If not you know what would happen."

How can that be possible? It can't be that easy. I've been here half a year just to catch this guy and now he wants me to just give up. Just like that?

Well I always have a plan, but plan A never works so this is going to be it.

"Okay, okay. I'll do as you say. No plans or gadgets."

And that was the last message sent. I deleted the messages so Andrew wouldn't suspect a thing.


It's been hours. I've been thinking for hours. What should I do? What's wrong and what's right? Is everyone going to hate me if I make the wrong decision? My mind is about to blow up.

What if it's the best for everyone? What if I am making everyone's life miserable? But I'm Olivia Hathaway, the best teen agent of all, I can't just give up like that. It's too easy. But if I don't then they'll do something to my family.

But what about Andrew? What if he gets killed that night? What if something bad happens to him?

I worry about everyone, but I can't protect anyone.

Why is making decisions so hard?

I'm just sitting in a chair, with my head in my hands and I'm asking myself questions. This stupid mission is ether going to make my life safer or ruin it.

And then my thoughts were interrupted by Andrew. He was saying something but I didn't listen.

"What?" I asked confused and he smiled at me.

"Have you been up all night?" He asked and as he did the first thought was 'all night?'. I looked at the clock next to me to see that it's 7am. Wow so I've been up all night.

"I couldn't sleep."

"So that's why you were holding your head i your hands almost breaking down." He said sarcastically knowing that I just lied to him. " Now tell me whats going on."

Not going to tell him. Not telling him. He's going to freak out. He's already hurt and may I say because of me and now he's going to freak out and I can't handle that too.

"Are you in your period?" He asked me. What the fuck?

"Excuse me!" I practically yelled after a whole night of not opening my mouth so yeah my throat is sore.

"Okay, I'll know never to ask a girl that again." He raised his hands to give up and I laughed a little at his dorkyness.

I looked away with my smile dropping. Then it came again the worrying and the stress if I do the right thing. Then I herd Andrew groan in pain.

"Hey how are you feeling?" I quickly got up and sat on the bed next to him. My hands massing with his soft hair.

"I'm okay, just a little pain can't kill me. You can't get rid of me that easy." He smiled like a  goof ball and i smiled back at him. I was watching his beautiful hazelnut brown eyes as I running my hand trough this hair. It was silent, but for me it wasn't awkward.

"So um.. You know prom is coming. And I wanted to ask you about going with me like a.." He stopped himself. Now I feel like Edward possessed him to say that, but I know it's not true.

"Like a date?" I smiled a little.

"Yeah. But you know you'll be you and I'll be me. No masks, no identities, just be ourselves. You know." Now I really think he's possessed.

"I would love to go to prom with you."


Three days later

Literally freaking out now. Prom is tonight! I have a plan, but no one knows if it would work so.... I don't have a plan.

Andrew, the guy I like is going to be my partner tonight... Okay that sounded weird because we are already partners. No matter.

My family and me are in danger. But I'm more safe then they'll ever be so someone needs to be there for them too. So I said to Adam to send someone to watch over my family. As for me, I have nothing.

"So when are you  going to start with actually making that plan?" Logan said from the other side of the hologram. I gave him a confused look.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked him and all he did was smirk.

"Well if someone knew you as long as I do they would know what's up with you. So the plan to get away, from Edward."

To be continued...

Hey guys,
We finally updated this book. It's been like decades since last time we updated.

So anyways love you guys and don't forget to vote, comment and share this book with friends.

Yours truly,

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