Chapter 17 - Boy sleepover

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"Soooo you're telling me that you are the spy who's sent to help us and you couldn't just say it but had to attack her." Andrew was asking David aka Tommy with sarcasm dripping in every word.

"Well.. yes" David said while scratching the back of his head. "Um one more thing. Why did you said her?"

I however was sitting on my bed with my wig still on. "Well you're not the only one who was with an unknown identity." I took the necklace off and he was still confused. Then i took off my wig and he was in shock.

"You're Tarry? Or that not your real name?" He was so confused, I've never seen him this confused.

"Yeah. We have never properly meet. I'm Olivia. Call me Liv."

"And I said that you're super hot in front of you." He muttered under his breath. Andrew and I couldn't stop laughing. "It's not as funny as it seems."

He's a funny guy. I think it will be easy to work with two boys. I hope so.

"Well now that we know who the spy issssss... We can get back to work. David would you like to spend the night here with me and Liv?"

Oh boy... This is going to be one hell of a night, and I don't think that I will enjoy it. Considering that they are boys and I'm just a girl... Yay this is going to be one night I won't forget.

<Time skip till night>

David got his PJ's and toothbrush and backpack. Oh and some gadgets and information because he was here before we came and clearly he knew a little bit more about our assignment.

"OK is everything settled ?" Andrew asked both me and David.

"Ummmm.. yes actually " David answered scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I signed to myself and thought "boys these days" and mentally rolled my eyes.


"OK now let's get to actual work and not goof around. Okay! "

For the past hour I had to see this two dimwits roll around and argue about some stuff I have no clue what its called. So when my nerves finally had enough of them I pinned them to the wall and gave them the death stare. Which made them look like they we're gonna shit they're pants. Weak I thought to myself. For spys they are sure weak. I haven't noticed that during my thoughts I have loosens my grip on these two, so they ran leaving me with my mouth open. How could I let this thing happen. I made a mental note to myself not to let that happen again.

When I turned around I saw them on the computer working on something. I wanted to scare them but apparently, they noticed and said.

"Don't even think about it" Damn it they noticed. I huffed and ploped myself on the bed and looked what are they looking at, and surprisingly they were hacking in to something.

"Watch'a doing David?"

"Trying to hack in Edward's computer and Facebook" he replayed not taking his eyes of the screen. I made an "O" shape with my mouth, and just then my phone rang and it was Logan. Yay he finally thought about me, and the fact that I haven't heard of him in awhile so I quickly pressed -answer call- and heard his voice thought the other line.

~How's my little Liv doing in highschool?~

~Don't call me that and I'm doing fine actually. Oh and I almost forgot can I keep the glasses when I get back in Florida for college?~

~Ummm sure why not even though we have a million of those.. Soo why not!~

~Thank you thank you thank you! You are truly the best~

~No problem, oh and how's it going with the mission?~

~Good actually we have two green strings attached to the board and only a few more left~

~Ah good, Adam would love to hear this and yeah hold on a sec...
Hey Liv, Adam wants to talk to you... Bye for now~

After the talk with Adam and Logan I got back in the room only to find Andrew on the bed alone. Huh what, where is David?

"Hey Andrew where is David?''

"What do you mean where is he I though that he was with you?"

"Umm no he wasn't with me"

"Then we're could he be?"

We stood there confused as hell. Where could this guy be?

And just like that there was a spider and Andrew screened like a girl on her first period. And right on que David came running from the dorm kitchen with... wait a spatula.

"What-What the hell happened here did Edward came?"

"No, Andrew freaked out because there was a spider, and even if he did what would you do, would you chase his with a spatula?"

"Ohhh and if he chased him to the door, David would yell 'AND DON'T RAVEN THINK ABOUT COMING BACK I HAVE A SPATULA THAT I KNOW HOW TO USE!!!!"

Me and Andrew high-fived each other and started laughing like crazy.

"Ha-ha very funny you guys,but seriously what if he did come I would consider the spatula"

"OK David"

"I'm going back to the kitchen to make my sandwich and salad"

<four minutes later>

"Yo David" Andrew screamed for David who was still in the kitchen.


"Get your fat ass over here"

David came jogging from the kitchen.

"Just so you know my ass is purdy (like a country singer would say. Ya know)"

"We found something about Edward's uncle's crimes"


"And we found that he was an orphan from the age of 5-7 until he was sent to the "other side"

"OK that's new"

We did more and more and more research. We we're looking for stuff like that until 3a.m and since tomorrow was Saturday we could sleep in. So in 4 a.m we ended up watching American Horror Story Hotel.

I gotta admit this boy sleep over was awesome.


Yo whats up guys. Another chapter finally updated. OK first some big ass news:

We reached 1k fricking 1k. A big tanks to y'all and we love you soooo much we never thought that it would reach 1k. At first we did this book for fun but later we went serious with this book. Thanks soooo much. Don't forget to:
-comment( guys please comment there are no comments at all not that we are forcing you to comment)

And again we love you.

-S ✌

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