Roomies - Mark

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A/N: This week, things become very clear.

The week begins on Monday, May 6, with the sun in Taurus making a semisextile to the North Node in Aries. Today, you might have a song in your heart that harmonizes with someone else's. Sagittarius, you and your partner could be in sync today. If you're looking for a love relationship, consider going to places where there is music and/or singing.

On Thursday, May 9, Saturn in Pisces makes a semisquare to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of inner thoughts. The energy of this aspect has been getting stronger for a while now, and it reaches a high point today, bringing you an epiphany. You might reframe how you see the world. One new thought could remove the blinders and help you see new opportunities, connections, and open doors.


One day, Mark was just watching something on TV when all of a sudden, he hears a little buzzing sound somewhere. He doesn't know where it was coming from, so he turned up the volume. Then all of sudden, something was eating  the leg off the coffee table, making it knock over.

What the fuck?

Then it happened to the other leg before something else ate the curtain until it's all in shreds. He wondered what on earth is going so he quickly grabbed his phone and called some bug exterminators. 

Hey, I need your help! Something keeps eating everything in my house and I don't know what it is! 

Don't worry, sir. Just tell me your address and we'll come over right away.

Help had soon arrived not too long enough as the bug exterminators contaminated his house. 

"It seems like your house has got the bad case of the varmits. AKA termites. They're small like flies that eat everything they see. But don't worry, we've got everything under control." 

"How long is this supposed to take?" He asked. 

"I reckon around 2 months."

"2 WHOLE MONTHS?!" He yelled, "What am I supposed to do till then? Where am I supposed to live?!" 

"Easy, you can just live somewhere else for the time being and then we'll call you once those varmits are gone for good. Is there anywhere you can stay?" 

"I guess...... I could stay with one of my friends house." He rolled his eyes. 

Once Mark had arrived at Mina's house, he explained his siutation to her and told him that he can stay at her place as long as he likes. 

"This is going to be so much fun! I've never had a house with someone else before!" She replied.

"I hope I won't be too much trouble." He said. 

"Please, you're one of my best friends. There's nothing that you can do to piss me off." She smiled. 

Little did they both know, that she was wrong. 

Nightfall came and she had soon woke up from her sleep to hear music from the speakers. She walked to where it was coming from and it was Mark, playing music on his laptop.

"*spots Mina* Oh sorry, am I waking you up?" He asked. 

"Uh yeah, it's 1 in the morning." She tiredly said. 

"I know, but this is important. I need to finalise this with Taeyong by next week." He replied. 

"Oh alright, just don't spend too much time on it." She wiped away her eyes. 

"Okay." He nodded his head and then went back to work. 

"Man, I'm hungry...." He rubbed his tummy. 

He opened up the cabinet to see all sorts of fruits and veggies. 

"Mina, what's with the fruit and veg?" He asked. 

"I'm on a diet, remember? I can't gain anything that has calories, otherwise I will be breaking it." She replied. 

"So there's nothing good to eat around here?" He asked. 

"I could make a fruit salad for you if you're that hungry." She shrugged. 

"Nah, thanks. I'll just order something instead." He sighed. 

"OK....." She shrugged again. 

A few weeks had soon passed and they are starting to annoy each other day by day. She ranted to Sally all about everything. 

"Maybe you guys just need to talk things out." Sally replied. 

"Yeah, maybe we do. But then again, maybe I don't." She humphed. 

"You know you have got to talk to her about this. You're going to be living with her until those termites move out." Johnny said. 

"What we really need to talkj about is how she needs to buy some more food. There's literally nothing to eat!" Mark complained, "I'm starving...." 

In the end, they come to terms with each other at the park. 

"It's not that I don't like living with you. You're a really fun girl and you're amazing to be around, but..... there's some rules that just doesn't seem tgo fit into my standards. Like don't play music after 10pm, no leaving dishes in the sink without washing them...." He replied.

"*sighs* I think I can say the same for you. I never mean to make you irrtated. It's just that I'm still not used to having someone living in my house for so long." She rubbed her arm up and down. 

"Actually, we're both to blame at this. Why don't we make a list of the rules that wee need to folow so that way, the both of us can be happy and we won't get into each other's way?" He asked. 

"Yeah, that's a great idea!" She chirped. 

He smiled before hugging which she recioprated. 

So after making the list of rules, everything went smooth sailing from now on. But soon, it's time for him to move out and get back into his house. 

"It's been a legend staying here." He replied. 

"Yeah, you know, having you living here with me is so much fun." She said. 

"Sure, once we work out all of the kinks." He shrugged. 

She laughed as they hugged each other. 

"Hey.... if you feel free to stay over at mine again, I won't take any complaints." She replied. 

"That's an understatement." He giggled. 


A/N: Good thing that we've ended on that note! 

See you next time!!!!!



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