Felix's Movie Date Secret - F

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A/N: The energy from the North Node and Mars on August 1 brings true abundance to your sign. This is especially wonderful for those Virgos looking to conceive or create something entirely new for themselves. This can even mean attracting a partner with all the qualities they truly desire. You'll feel more inclined to take extra time for your emotional needs and might find that putting yourself first is exactly the medicine you've always needed. There can be opportunities to recreate your methods of conversation and communication in all realms of partnerships.

Mars' position in Mercurial Gemini can cause a bit of confusion, and it is a really important time to assess how you talk to yourself. Sometimes, how you speak to yourself generates the energy of love. Conversely, if you are hard on yourself continually, your vibrations also lower. If you are kind to yourself and allow compassion to flow through you, this will make you absolutely unstoppable and irresistible to your love interests. 


Every Saturday, Felix's heart did a little skip as he messaged Chaewon, his smile widneing when she replied with a "yes!" They had this unspoken tradition of weekend cinema dates, a ritual that felt both comfortable familair and excitingly new with each passing week. This Saturday's pick was a sci-fi comedy, a genre that promised laughter and popcorn-fueled entertainment. 

The move was everything they expected and more Felic chuckled throughout, occasionally bumping shoulders with Chaewon as the protagonist humbled through hilarious situations. As the credits rolled, they exited the theater, the buzz of the moviegoers a pleasant backdrop to their conversation. 

Bsck at their usual spot by the riversidem they recapped their favourite scenes, their laighter echoing in the twlight. Felix, still buzzing from the movie, decided to share his Saturday night with his bandmates. 

Pulling out his phone, he swotched on the group chat, his finbgers flying across ht escreen as he typed out a message. 

"Just finsihed watching Paul with Chaewon! It was hilarious!" 

Almost instantly, his phone chimed with a reply from Jisung.

"Ooh movie night, huh? How was it?" 

Felic's smile widened. He typed out a quick response, detailing some of the funniest moments and Chaewon's witty remarks that had him in stiches. 

"Sounds lit, man!" responded Han, the group's resident meme-maker. "Did you gett eh popcorn combo?" 

Felix chuckled. "Of course! Extra butter, the way Chaewon likes it." 

The conversation flowed easily, the other members chiming in with questions and jokes. Felix reveled in the camaraderie, the warmth of their shared experience filling him with a fuzzy contentment. 

As the conversation lulled, Changbin, the oldest member, sent a thoughtful message.

"You see really happy, Felix. Is everything going well with Chaewon?" 

Felix's heart thumped a little A blush crept up on his face as he tapped out a reply.

"Yeah. Things are...... really good." 

He hesitated for a momnent, then added another message. 

"I think I like her, hyung." 

The response was a flurry of emojis - a thumbs up from Han, a heart from Seungmin, and a string of fire from Hyunjin. 

"About time, Felix!" boomed Lee Know's voice over a video call they had initiated. Felix laughed, the warmth in his chest spreading. Sharing this little piece of his happiness with his brothers felt like a validation, a confirmation of the butterflies erupting in his stomach whenever he was with Chaewon.

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