Shopping Trip with Hyewon - LK

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A/N: You'll notice an increase in charming flirtations from unassuming strangers, which can act as a nice little confidence booster. If you've got your eye on someone who's been slow to ask you out, try to get some flirting in before mid-week, and if you're feeling really brazen — invite them out yourself. Pluto's direct transition will be quite eye opening for you, and if your crush has any unsavory qualities, they're likely to show themselves. Cutting ties with others will come more easily right now, and if there are any lingering personalities that don't bring out your best self, it might be time to send them packing. The stars inspire you to consider stability within your partnerships moving forward. This energy will ask you to take a pragmatic look at anyone who's caught your eye lately, and truly think about whether or not they're someone you could build a future with. Charisma, attraction, and humor are all important factors in a partnership, but you also need to make sure you're connecting with reliability and security.


Lee Know, or Minho as his friends knew him, wasn't exactly a shopaholic. He preferred the quiet solitude of his studio, his hands busy crafting beats of dancing to his own rhythm. However, when Hyewon, his best friend and fellow Stray Kids member, invited him to accompany hewr on a shopping trip, he couldn't say no. 

"Come on, Minho! It'll be fun." Hyewon had insisted her eeys sparkling with excitement. "We can find some new clothes for the upcoming tour." 

Minho had sighed but agreed. He knew Hyewon loved shopping, and he didn't want to disappoint her. So,m oin a sunny afternoon, they found themselves wandering through the bustling streets of Seoul, Hyewon pulling him from one store to the next. 

"Oh, look at this!" Hyewon exclaimed, pointing at a bright pink sweater. "It would be perfect for the stage!" 

Minho rolled his eyes playfully. "You're kidding, right? Pink?" 

Hyewon laughed. "Hey, it's not so bad. Besides, it would match your hair." 

Minho's hair was currently dyed a striking shade of blue. He hadn't intended to go so bright, but it had grown on him. 

As they continued their shopping spree, Minho began to relax. He found himself enjoying the atmosphere. The shops were filled with the latest trends, and the energy was infectious. Hyewon was right; it was fun. 

They stopped at a small boutique that specalized in vintage clothing. Hyewon immediately gravitated towards a rack of old band t-shirts. "Look at this!" she cried, holding up a faded Nirvana tee. "It's so cool!" 

Minho chuckled. "You're a classic rock fan, huh?" 

"Of course." Hyewon replied. "Who isn't?" 

As they browsed the racks, Minho spotted a leather jacket hanging on a mannequin. It was a classic style, with a worn-in look that suggested it had a story to tell. He tried it on and found it fit perfectly. 

"Hey, that looks good on you." Hyewon said, her eyes widening. "You should get it." 

Minho hesitated. He wasn't used to spending money on clothes, but he had to admit he liked the jacket. He wasn't used to spending money on clothes, but he had to admit he liked the jacket. He decided to take it.

As they made their way to the checkout counter, Hyewon turned to Minho. "Are you having fun?" 

He nodded. "More than I thought I would." 

"I knew you would." Hyewon replied, grinning. "Shopping is the best." 

As they walked out of the store, Minho couldn't help but feel a sense out of satisfaction. He had never considered himself a fashion-forward person, but today he had discovered a new side of himself. And he had done it with his best friend by his side. 

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