2 minds, 1 heart - Winwin

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A/N: This week, slow down and let others catch up.

The week begins on Mpnday, October 16, with the sun in Libra and your house of friendship making a quincunx to Uranus in Taurus. Sagittarius, you might have a wide range of emotions about a friend. You could go from being excited to see them to extremely irritated to forgiving and understanding all in the space of a few minutes. If this is someone who often takes you through this wild journey, you might want to rethink the friendship.

On Thursday, October 19, Mercury in Libra makes a quincunx to Uranus in your house of work and coworkers. Today, you might need to slow down. Sagittarius, as a fire sign, you can move more quickly than most, and some of your coworkers might be struggling to keep up. It's possible that you are three steps ahead and they're getting confused. Consider slowing down to let others catch up.


To promote their new album, the boys have arrived at the zzzzz place. Before the chaos of being caught of performing, they get to be in pairs for the amount of money they'll be getting. It's only fake money, but that doesn't mean it's not important. 

Mina appeared on this show as a guest to give them her full support.

Mina rested her head on Winwin's shoulder when a staff came with the mission card. 

"Have you guys had a nice rest?" 

"Yes." She replied. 

She grabbed the mission card and read it out aloud. 

"Mina and Winwin, since you two are most likely to think alike to each other; we declare you guys are mental twins. Now to prove it to the test, we're going to play the balance game. The rules are simple. You pick the same answer and you earn money, you don't, then you lose." 

"Oh, this would defintely be easy for these two." Jaehyun replied. 

"I know, these guys could be actual twins in this rate." Haechan replied. 

"Hamburger o chicken burger?" 

"Hamburger!" They both said. 

"OOOH! Nice one, there's nothing more classic than a good hamburger." Winwin said. 

"Popcorn or Nachos?" 

"Popcorn!" They both replied. 

"I was going to go for Nachos, but I realize that you don't eat them so I figured that you would say that." She replied. 

"You guys are a pro at this." Taeyong replied, "I would have gone for Nachos." 

"Taco or Burrito?" 

"Defintely Tacos!" They both said. 

"Everyone loves Tacos! And it's actually not that hard to eat them, you just have to start somewhere." She replied. 

"How do you usually eat them?" Winwin asked.

"From the top. What about you?" She asked. 

"I eat from the top too!" Winwin said.

The two high fived each other. 

"Fanta or Sprite?" 


"Nothing can go wrong with a good can of cold fanta." Doyoung replied. 

"Yeah, and it's perfect to have on summer too." Jaehyun replied. 

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