Hanami Encounter Blooms - SM

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A/N: Though you'll want to focus on others, it's essential to use this energy to put your needs first during Mercury's moonwalk, which commences on your sign on August 4. Pay attention to who sends you messages on this day, as it could indicate that they're interested in more than just friendship.

The new moon alignment with your sun shares a sweet connection to the soulful sector of your chart on the fourth, bringing new depth to your relationships. If you've been casually seeing someone lately and want to take things to the next level, consider inviting them to your place on this day for a cozy evening on the couch. If anyone else lingering around hasn't managed to grab your attention by this point entirely, use this energy to cut them loose for good.


Seungmin wasn't expecting to meet anyone new during his trip to Hanami, the annual cheery beneath the cascading canopy of pink flowers, earbuds in, sketchbook in hand. But as he rounded a corner, he practically collided with a girl rushing in the opposite direction. 

Their apologies caqme out simultaneously, laced with surprised laughter. Her eyes were wide and apologetic, framed by a curtain of dark hair. Seungmin's breath hitched. It wasn't just her cute fluster that captivated him,  but the way her eyes sparkled wuth an energy that mirrored the vibrant blooms around them. 

They exchanged introductions, Seungmin learning her name was Sakura. They fell into conversation easily, their intial awkardness replaced by a comfortable flow. They discovered a shared love for art, and Sakura, noticing his sketchbook, expressed admiration for his talen. Suengmin, usually reserved, found himself sketching her portrait, captivated by her infectious smile. 

]As the day wore on, they explored the festival together, taking photos admist the blossoms, devouring street food, and laughing at silly games. Time seemed to melt away as they got lost in their conversation, their connection deeepened with every shared moment. 

By the time the last rays of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, they knew this wasn't just a fleeting encounter. As they reluctantly said their goodbyes, Seungmin felt a pang of longing. He wasn't sure when he'd see Sakura again, but he carried the warmth of their connection with him. 

Back at the drom, Seungmin couldn't contain his excitement. He spilled the story of his encounter with Sakura to his Stray Kids members, their usual chaotic energy replaced by rapt attention. He recounted their conversations, her laughter, the way her smile lit up her face.

Chan, the eldest, nudged him playfully. "Sounds like you're smitten, Seungmin-ie." 

Seungmin's cheeks flushed a rosy pink that rivaled the cherry blossoms. "Maybe a little," he admitted sheepishly.

Changbin, the stoic rapper, surprised everyone with a rare smile. "About time, Seungmin. You dserve happiness." 

The rest of the eveining was filled with excited chatter. Felix, the sunshine of the group bombarded Seungmin with questions about Sakura's interests and hobbies. Han, the resident jokester, teased him mercilessly, but the fondness in his voice was unmistakable. 

As they settled down for the night, a newfound giddiness filed Seungmin. He wasn't just looking forward to their next day out, but to sharing more about Sakura with his brothers, the newfound connection blossoming alongside the beautiful spring flowers. 

The following day, the Stray Kids members were buzzing with anticipation for their day out. Seungmin, a mix of excitement and nervousness, couldn't wait to introduce Sakura to his friends. He'd spent the entire crafting the perfect plan, a day filled with activities that would showcase the best of Seoul and hopefully create a memorable for everyone. 

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