Mia and Chan - BC

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A/N: September 17 is the ideal time for you to go after what you want in matters of the heart. You'll be given a greenlight from the universe to express your innermost sentiments to your crush. If you have been hesitant to make any moves this is the perfect time for you to ask out the person you have been lovesick over for months. Their answer will surprise you, since you were expecting the worst case scenario to happen. Their appreciation and desire to hang out with you will prove to be a confidence booster — especially since you have been feeling a little bit blue and less than worthy at this juncture. The lesson is to have faith in yourself. The results may be better than you expect — but you'll never know unless you take a chance.


Mia was an enigma, wrapped in layers of quiet intensity. She was a listener, a keen observer, her eyes often mirroring the depths of a still pond. In the bustling, chaotic world of the city, she found solace in the rhythm of her own thoughts. It was in this quietude that she connected with Chan. 

Chan, unlike, Mia, was a whirlwind of energy. His laughter was infectious, his spirit boundless. Yet, beneath the exuberant exterior lat a contemplative soul, a yearning for deeper connections. Mia saw this in him, a quietude in the storm. 

Their paths converged in the most cunexpected of place - a smnall, independent bookstore tricked away in a corner of the city. Mia, as always, was lost in a world of words, her fingers tracing the spines of books as if thgey were old friends. Chan. drawn by the promise of tranquility, had stumbled upon the same haven. 

Their first encounter was a silent one. A shared glance across the worn wooden shelves, a mutual understanding in that leeting moment. It was as if they had found a kindred spirit, soneine who spoke the same unspoken language. 

As days turned weeks, their slient camaraderie blossomed into freinship. They spent countles hours in the bookstore, their cinversations ranging from the intricacies of plkot to the philosphy of life. Mia found in Chan a mirror to her own introspective nature, a reflection of her thoughts and feelings. Chan, in turn, discovered in Mia a depth of understanding that was rare. 

Lee Know, a mutual friend, often joined them. He was the bridge between their worlds, the catalyst for their shared laughter. Yet, even admist the jovial banter, Mia's gaze wouyld oftewn drift toeards Chan, a silent understanding passing between them. 

One evening, as the bookstore was closing, they found themselves alone. The soft glow of the reading lamps cast long shadows on the walls, creating an intimate atmosphere. The silence that followd was not awkward, it was comfortable filled with the unspoken workds that hung heavy in the air. 

"You know," Mia began, her voice barely a whisper, "I've often felt like an outsider, a silent observer. But with you, ut;s different. It's like we've known each other for a lifetime." 

Chan smiled, his eyes holding hers. "I feel like the same way. It's as if we;ve found a piece of ourselves in each other." 

Their converaation deepened, exploring the intricacies of their souls. They spoke of dreams, fears, and hopes, their voices filled with a bulnerability that was both beautiful and terrifying. In that moment, they realized that their connectio0n ran deeper than friendship. It was a soul-deep than friendship. It was a soul-deep resonance, a harmony of two hearts beating in the same rhythm. 

As the night wore on, the bookstore began to feel like a sanctuary, a palce where they could be truly themselves. The worl outside faded into insignificance, replaced by the warmth of tgheir shared understanding. In thyat quiet corner of the city, Mia found her voice, her identity, anbd a connection bthat was as rare as it was profound. 

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