New Year's Eve Enchantment - BC Pt 1

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A/N: Mars' entrance into Gemini on July 20 is directing your attention towards communicating with the major connections in your life. Something said, read, or thought about can come up in casual conversation and be a blessing to you or your partner. You're likely making long-term commitments with short-term plans. Rest assured that this can support whatever you want your partnership to become down the line.

By the end of the week, the logistics of how to make these plans with your partner come to fruition will be at the forefront of your thoughts. For example, if you are planning a trip to the tropics in the months to come, it could be worth your while to set some couples goals for how you want to get there. This may mean straightening up your diet, creating a schedule to research where you want to go, or actively learning the culture of the land you seek to visit.

This period may also spark an opportunity to discuss the expectations you have for your family. This breeds the spark of new traditions that you'll raise your family on as you were raised on the old.


The fairy lights twinkled like a thousand capturted stars, casting a warm glow on the revelers gatherted at Bangchan's place. It was New Year's Eve and the air crackled with anticipation. Bangchan, the ever'enthusiastic host, bounced around the room, ensuring leveryone had a drink and a plate piled high with party snacks. 

Onda, a close friend of Bangchan's from their trainee days, stood by the window, a pensive gracing her lips. Lost in the beauty of the cityscape bathed in the night';s embrace, she barely noticed Changbin apporach her. 

"Hey." Changbin greeted, his voice laced with nervousness he tried to conceal. "You look beautiful tonight." 

Onda turned, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Thanks, Changbin. You don't look so bad yourself." 

They fell intoa  comfortable silence, their gazs drifting towards the countdown clock displayed on the living room TV. The festive chatter and music seemed to fade away, leaving them in a cozy bubble of their own. 

"So," Changbin began, hesitatnly scratching the back of his neck, "What's yoiur New Year's resolution?" 

Changbin snortd with laughter. "That's ambitious. Maybe I can teach you sometime?"

The suggestion hung in the air, tinged wuth unspoken emotions. Onda felt a  flicker of warmth in her chest. Changbin had always been there for her, a pillar of strength and unwavering support. But lately, she'd begun to see him in a different light. 

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, the energy in the roiom eseclated. People started a countdown, their voices rising ina  crescendo. Ten.... nine..... eight.... Bangchan dimmed the lights, and everyone huddled closer, their eyes glued to the screen.

Three...... two.... one! 

The room erupted in cheers, whistles and hugs. Confetti rained down, and the clinking of glasses filled the air as everyone exchanged well wishes. In the midst of the chaos, Changbin ,found Onda's gaze. A silent question passed between them, a question that lingered on the edge of a kiss. 

The bosterious celebration continued well into the night. People danced, sang along to karaoke hits, and shared stories of the past year. Onda and Changbin found themselves gravitaring towards each other throughout the evening, stealing glances and hushed conversations. 

As the party thinned out and the clock neared 2 am, Bangchan announced, "Alright, guys, last call for drinks!" 

Onda and Changbin were among the few who remained. Exhausted but exhilrated, they settled on the couch, reminiscing about the past year's adventures. 

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