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"yes!" Julie quickly replies. I catch on, "We attached them to the projector before we performed," and the crowd stays silent for what felt like hours until they erupt into applause again. Carrie is looking around the room, disgusted. "What was that?" she yells at her friend next to her. I laugh lightly, soaking up the applause from the school. I look at Julie, who is staring at Nick. "Jules, you're staring," she says, looking away. "You know he's dating my sister, right? She laughs and whispers back. "I know." Together, we take one final bow just as the principle dismisses the class. They all groan and leave the hall as Miss Harrison comes up to me and Julie.

"Mrs. Harrison, I am so sorry for not asking for permission. I just wanted to show you I belong here."

"As amazing as that was, your spot's already been filled by another student."

Just as she said that a small boy dragging a huge chello appeared with each step, the cello thumped loudly down the steps, "Come on, that thing is way too big for him."

"He'll grow into it. I wish that I could help you, but my hands are tied."

"Mine aren't," the principle said, walking over. I excitedly kicked my feet like a child, making Julie laugh.

"As much as I didn't approve of this little stunt that you pulled, I will not go down in history as the principal who kicked Julie Molina out of the music programme."

"YAY!" I scream.

"thank you!" Julie responds to her teacher.

"But, when you win your first Grammy, I want to be thanked."

"Definitely. Thank you."

"Congratulations! welcome back"

Me and Julie hugged, and as we did, Flynn walked over; she looked deflated. "Flynn, what's up?" She sighs, "When did you start playing with a hologram band?" I look at Julie and say, "It's just one song." I say, "We aren't a band." Julie says, "They're a band," I say quickly, "Yeah, a hologram band," and we panic. Flynn looks around. "Why have you been keeping those cute boys a secret?" I laugh. "They are kind of cute." Julie hits me.

"There's a reason for that."

"It's just a little crazy," I say.

"I'm all about crazy; let me hear it."

"Okay. Um, so they're... from Sweden. Yeah. It turns out they're not only great at making meatballs but also good at making music." Julie says, and we laugh together—not a real laugh, just a panicky laugh.

"Are you guys lying to me?"

We sigh "yes."

"Since when do we lie to each other?"


"We are sorry."

"Your sorry, that's all you got?" She says that before running out the door and through the corridor, we passed Carrie and Nick, though I know I'm going to have to confront that later.

"Girls," as we turn the corner, the boys are there, making their version of a human pyramid.

"Ahhh!" I scream, but it turns into a laugh.

"You need to stop doing that," Julie says, laughing at me.

"Whoa! This one's all on you. We were already here. Well, actually, we were over there, and then we came over here." I laugh as Reggie tries to explain their movement; he fails, but it was funny. "Are we not going to talk about what just happened?" Luke says, looking at me. "Yeah, the whole school saw you; it's kind of freaking me out," I say quickly. I know that's not what he meant, but I couldn't explain the other thing. and I don't want to try.

"Okay, good, 'cause it's kind of freaking me out too. You know, you could see us, and people could see us whenever we play music." Alex says he is panicking. "Alex, chill," I say. He mimics me, standing back next to Luke. "That was rude," I say.

"They were loving you!" Julie says.

"Are you kidding? They loved us." Luke added.

"That was a great song, Luke. Thanks." I say, smiling.

"The good thing is that everyone thought you guys were holograms, and I got back into the program." Julie says she looks upset. I suddenly remember Flynn; she looked so betrayed. Our hologram band replaced 'Charlies Angels' band from when we were six.

"Why do you look so bummed?" Luke says.

"Yeah, you look like this."

The boys made an overdramatic impression of Julie's 'face. It wasn't accurate, but it was funny, and it made me chuckle. "That is not my face," she says.

"Things just got weird between us and Flynn. She asked about you guys, and we couldn't say," I said quickly, "she ran off, Julie said, "we need to find her."

"I can't tell her about you guys for the same reason I can't tell my dad. She'll think I've gone off the deep end." Julie says

"um jules..."

"This guy definitely thinks you've gone off the deep end," Luke says, pointing at Janitor Ray as he walks past us, giving us a crazy look.

"I need to go," Julie says, walking off.

"See you later, Jules," I say, waving her off.

"Later boys," I say, starting to walk away.

Luke poofs at me. "Um, no, we need to talk." I sigh, shaking my head. I try to walk away, but Reggie steps in my way, then Alex. "Guys, come on!" Luke grabs my arm. "How can we feel you? How can you feel us?" I shrug. "Say something," Reggie says.

"I don't know, guys?!"

Luke jumps at my sudden change of tone. "Neither do we; we were just asking," he says before poofing away. "Wait, Luke," I turn to Reggie. He's gone to "Alex." He sighs, "Bye, Cami." I scream and walk away. I was already on the verge of tears when I bumped into Carrie.

"HOW COULD YOU!" she screams at me.

"seriously carrie?"

She looks mad, like she might punch me.

"You're my sister, and you're in a band with her," she says.

"I didn't want to be in your cute little band, Carrie! "I'm sorry if that upsets you, but I enjoy performing, and I didn't want to be one of your little backing dancers."

She opens her mouth in shock. "Wow," she says, "just wow."

I laugh. "Brilliant response, Carrie."

"You're just jealous because my band is actually good," I add before storming away.

behind me I hear Carrie scream and stop her feet before yelling to Nick.

"I hate her." 

Camilla Wilson // JATPWhere stories live. Discover now