Chapter 1: Say So | (Sunny)

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I knock, hoping Shaan will not protest against my plan. Luckily, it's the roommate who answers. I push open the door and walk in. He stands holding the handle, bewildered and in awe. I have that effect on people now. When you become an object of reverence, you cannot help but transform into the thing desired. In my case, a sharp thing of ice, forever melting and freezing, reaching towards an impossible height. 

I mask up. "Rian, right? Good to meet you, man. I am Shubhdeep but everyone calls me Sunny"

"I know who you are," he says with a wide smile that signals he is nervous.

Of course he knows me. "How are you liking the team? And playing in the league?"

"It is great so far. Learning a lot but haven't had a chance to play. I hope I get to this season."

I say, "Enjoy. Be patient. It will happen for you. I have seen how good you are," with a plastered smile of my own. Used to be, I hid my nerves behind the smile. Now it is my trusted tool for charm. I can tell he is delighted to hear that I have seen him play, "Must be a video of that viral over from Runjeet trophy?" I saw the whole match but I don't correct the assumption he is making about me.

The city's hotel situation is messed up with the international music festival in town. Rarely do the completing teams stay in the same hotel. I am delighted at this unexpected prospect of hanging out with my best friend but first I have to deal with Rian. Hotels overbook rooms, and usually there is enough cancellations to manage the overbooking. Not this time. Shaan has taken Rian in until the overbooking gets sorted. My smile turns genuine at the memory of sneaking into 18 year old Shaan's room. He has a knack for taking in strays.

I look around the quiet room, and he says "Are you looking for Shaan bhai?"

The lie comes easily, "Actually I met him earlier, and we are hoping that I can swap my room with you. It's been a while since I spent time with my best friend."

I see his face mirror his thoughts. Did I used to be this readable? He knows about the rumors but does not believe them. He isn't sure if opponents should be rooming together. He is wondering if such a thing is even allowed, and if he could get into trouble for agreeing to the swap.

"It's all cool, Rian. Shaan and l always room together on international tours. You know how it is, don't you? On the field, the team before everything," but I surprise myself by adding "...except maybe when it is a matter of love or family."

I wait without filling the air. Charm is a form of persuasion that is patient, and sees its audience as complex and intelligent. It waits for the target to arrive at the hinted conclusion on their own. I know Rian wants to do me a favor. Something he can later remind me of, when he is in need of a favour from a star player. I also know Shaan isn't a great roomie. He is loud, sometimes obnoxious and always messy. This is a chance for Rian to chill by himself. Maybe video call his girl. I don't have to remind him of any of this. The kid is smart.

"Ok. I guess I can do that for you. Can you make sure I won't get into trouble over this?"

"You have my word, dude. Here is the key. It's room 427." I forcefully hand him the key before he can change his mind. "Any chance you can collect your stuff and go enjoy your room like right now? I need to sneak in a nap," and for no reason other than to pull his leg, I wink and add, "too much partying last night." He is incredulous. I chuckle. I have learnt to keep people guessing and never let them pin down the real me. Not a good way to live.

My previous night wasn't any different from other nights. In my hotel room, alone, I was reinforcing my mental wall against the trolling and overthinking my form as if it is a machine I can study a manual to fix. On the bright side, there was the excitement of seeing Shaan. But where is he? I text him 'Where are you?' and hear his phone buzz in the room. The guy needs to keep his phone close. My phone is my lifeline and nobody is allowed to touch it. It is the one thing that knows me completely. My real taste in music, who I talk to most often, and what I watch when I am alone. I am paranoid enough to turn off preview of my messages and notifications. But this dude lives like an open book.

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