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I have my first win as captain, and I feel the pressure lift a little. I never doubted myself but everyone these days is obsessed with stats and numbers. At least, I won't be the first captain with no wins in a season. Unfortunately, Rafi's ankle puffed up during the game. He has been ignoring it too long. The injections take away the pain but make it easy to over extend an already injured tendon. I suspect he might be out for the season. His absence will start to hurt us mid season as the bowlers tire with the grueling schedule. It does not help that the leagues rules benefit the batsmen.

I hear my name. The rookies want to go celebrate our first win of the season. I hold off on committing to anything. I tell them, "I am not your mother and you are no longer fifteen. You don't need my permission to have fun." The guys don't push back on my banter, or try to convince me to come along which is strange. Raz even winks at me like he knows something. Does he know something? Can he smell Shaan on me? 

Shaan caught a nick off my bat today. On my way back to the pavilion, our time together in the shower kept replaying in my mind. I felt my cheeks flush when I was watching the replay. I can only describe the feeling as both torture and pleasure.

In the morning, before I was fully awake, last night came rushing back. Fragments of a dream remembered. But this dream had all the markings of the dreamer falling off a tall cliff and waking up with fright. I was sure that Shaan would wake up anguished and unable to face me. I got out of the bed quietly, hoping to take a quick shower, and escape before he was up. He walked into the bathroom soon after and gave me a beautiful sleepy smile. When he got into the shower, he looked me in the eyes and kissed me good morning. I never thought a morning like this could happen for me, much less with someone that means so much to me already. 

I see Shaan and his teammates walking towards us. I know I should wait but I rush to meet him. He smiles, and whispers "Sunny, you don't have to make those eyes at me anymore. You have me where you want me." Hari bhai overhears and asks, "And where is that?"

I look at Shaan expecting him to reply but he just looks back at me in panic.

"I have been staring him down since I got here. Getting on his nerves. Maybe it turned the result in our favor. My tactics are flawless. Right, Shaan?"

"You played well today, Sunny but Shaan was the one who put an end to the smashing you were giving us. And thank god for that otherwise the game wouldn't have been that close."

"Thanks Bhai! And you are right about this guy. Shaan, you were good out there today. Quick with your feet."

Shaan immediately tries to deflect the compliments, and starts pointing out where he can improve. Why does he do that when someone appreciates him? I grab his hand, "Take the compliment, Shaan. You were good today. And you are good. You work hard." 

He immediately wants to deny himself the praise but I see him pause, and say, "Thank you Sunny. Thanks Hari bhai. It means a lot coming from you." He was the one who helped me when I needed someone else to believe in me. I need to do the same for him. 

"What are you guys up to? Want to hang with us?" I ask

"Were you planning to have a night out?" Shaan asks me pointedly

I squeeze his hand. "I am not sure what I feel like." I just want to be where you will be. I just want to touch you.

"I am going to stay in. Long day, and an exciting night yesterday."

"Really? What happened?" Hari asks. Shaan really needs to think before speaking.

Again, he is looking at me to come to his rescue. I smile at him instead, and mirror Hari's curious expression.

"Well, I took in a new roommate, and he was very excitable." Hari is confused but before he could ask another question, Shaan says, "See you Hari bhai," and starts walking away.

"Wait, I will come up with you," I rush my goodbyes to the guys. "See you guys tomorrow. Don't have too much fun if you head out. Keep me updated on where you go. Remember, we have an early flight tomorrow." Wait, I guess I am their mother.

I run to catch up to Shaan but he is waiting for me at the elevator.

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