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I receive another unexpected visit a second day in a row. I am pacing in the hotel parking lot waiting for Shaan to pull in. While this is a pleasant surprise, I am worried about the edge in his voice when he told me that he will be at my hotel in one hour. Then he hung up so he can 'focus' on driving. I spent the last hour running through a million scenarios. Is he driving over because he missed me? He is too practical for that; doing stupid shit in love is my domain. Is there some important news? What kind of news will make him come see me in person in such a rush?

Finally, a black BMW pulls in. He took the time to rent a fancy car? That must be a good sign? After he parks near where I am standing, it takes him a minute to step out. I imagine him doing some breath work to compose himself. But he isn't calm when he steps out. He looks like he wants to rip into me. I would take either, his words or his mouth. I can't think of anything I have done that will make him this cumad! "So good to see you Jaan." He nods at me and keeps walking, "Do you even know where you are going?"

"I am getting a room."

I realize he is serious. "No, you are not." I forcefully grab his hand and start leading him. As soon we are inside the safety of my room, I hug him. He gives me a lukewarm hug back. Why is he sulking? "Babe, how was the party? And what an unexpected surprise. Not that I am complaining." I have so many questions. Why didn't you call me earlier? Why did you decide to come all the way to see me? Were you ghosting me while I thought you were busy?

He walks over to the window. He watches the people on the street going about their lives in silence. Only I can feel the waves of barely contained anger. I haven't seen him this mad in a long time. Once he had hit a player in front of me when they had made fun of his dad. "Shaan, why are you mad? Did I do something? Because if I did, it was not inte...." He throws his phone on the bed towards where I am leaning on the wall. I pick it up and look at the picture of Neelam and I from the conference room yesterday. I know when it was taken. I am looking straight at the person, unable to load the fake smile. In the next photo, Neelam and I are hugging. Am I a playboy in the eyes of my fans now? Dating Ria, seducing Neelam, and flirting with Shaan. How can Shaan buy into this lazy story about Neelam and I? "I can explain, Shaan! Nothing is going on between us. She is my manager. I don't like her that way. In fact, you and I need talk about the meeting this picture is from."

"Sunny, how can you do this?" He looks hurt. The waves are turning blue.

"Shaan, I promise there is nothing going on." I am surprised at him, and confused. How can he believe this? He should know me by now. I will never betray him like this.

He walks right up to me, and shouts, "There is nothing going on? You are clearly upset and on the verge of crying."

"It's not what you think." I shout back.

"Sunny, are you denying that you are so upset that you cannot hold back your tears. I have known you for six years. I can count the times I have seen tears in your eyes."

"I was...overwhelmed. Shaan, trust me. Nothing happened. You know what you mean to me. I will never disrespect you like that."

"You don't get it, motherf**ker." He pauses to find the right words, "We start fucking, and I lose my best friend?" He points his finger at me, "My best friend is choosing to cry on the shoulders of strangers? Why aren't you talking to me? We used to be able to talk about everything and anything. I didn't sign up for this."


"You heard me. We chatted yesterday. You never mentioned any of this. I had to find out that my best friend was upset and crying through a random account on Insta."

The adrenaline and cortisol from the last few hours rushes out of my eyes. I am crying and laughing. I force Shawn into a clumsy hug, "How am I so lucky? I am sorry Meri Jaan. I am sorry. I am sorry." I repeat the words like a mantra. "I will never disrespect our friendship again." I pull up his face, and plant five quick kisses on his right cheek. I can feel the waves turn gentle. His body relaxes, and he leans into the hug.

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