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I get a text from Sunny about another Insta account that he wants me to dig into. Dude?! Why is he telling me how to do my job? I am trying to walk the fine line of managing his friendly image, and build on top of his stans, I mean strengths. He has a queer fan base that can someday rival Gaylor but he keeps trying to shut it all down.

Shani is here in my office. I must have said something out loud because she says, "Sometimes my brother lives in the world of rainbows and unicorns. I tire of having to shatter his daydreaming and show him the reality of what is happening." I walk over and realize that Shani is scrolling through the same account that Sunny just sent me. I have to coach my boss to trust me and not react to everything his sister sends.

"Shani, do you like Taylor Swift?"

"Yeah, who doesn't?"

"Do you know she has a big fan base that thinks she is queer? And guess what? She doesn't mind this narrative about her. She even feeds into it herself with her easter eggs."

Shani is confused, and I continue, "I am telling you this because I know my job. Please don't freak out about this. This is how people yield power in the social media age. We can't stop every rumor. It is still a free country, is it not?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, I know I went too far. Not only was I mansplaining, she is my boss's sister, and in this country that makes her my boss.

"Neelu, you have been away too long. These Cali values don't work here! This will impact my brother's career. The old men on top will punish him for letting these rumors continue. We are in this country and YOU have to think like you are in this country. If you can't do it, there are thousands of people who will kill to have this job. Don't think I won't suggest that to my brother."

I hate it when women pull down other women. But I cannot deny that she has a point. Maybe I am out of touch. Maybe things are not changing as fast as I think. The last thing I want is for my first major solo client to ask for a reassignment to another PR manager.

I change my tact, "I understand Shani. I am sorry. Let me think about how we can change the story." No reaction. She just sits there scrolling her phone. Why is she camping in my office? "Shani, was there something else? I have a lot of work to do."

"We are your most important work, Neelu! I am just waiting for a friend. I will be out of here soon. I have no desire to hang out with the most boring person in the world. Did you even go home last night?" She asks and makes a face like I smell.

I roll my eyes but turn around in my chair to covertly smell myself. I smell fine, like momos and books. Then it hits me. I know why she is still here! I message Sameer, "Get over here. Your audience is waiting." He sends back, "In a meeting. You have to wait. (devil-face)"

Shani is close to the truth though. I was at the office until 9:00 pm. I went home to shower, read and sleep, and was back here at 9:00 am. I am addicted to work. I actually thought my life was over when I couldn't find a job in the US after finishing my MBA. I completed two internships with a social media giant. I was so sure that I would get an offer that I even signed a lease for a fancy apartment in the city. High on fumes I was and the economy brought me down to earth, and back home.

So here I am, back in the motherland for two years now. A few months ago, I was told I am being assigned a high profile client. I was so excited. Finally, my good work is being recognized. Turns out nobody wanted to handle Sunny's account. It isn't anything like they have encountered before, so they gave the complicated shit to someone who is expendable: me. Actually, Sunny is fairly easy to manage. He came with a devoted and impressive fan base. He is hot, charming, has a beautiful smile, is always up for fun and so easy to talk to. All gold except for the recent slump and the speculation around his friendship with Shaan.

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