Chapter 4: Best Friends | (Shaan)

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I am watching the first match of the playoffs. Sunny walks out to chants of "What do we like to eat?" "Pani Puri with Ria!" echoing in the stadium. After winning the toss, he forgets whether they had planned to bat or bowl first, "We will bowl first," is immediately followed by, "I mean bat first." The umpire pauses to make sure he got it right, and the opposing captain sneers at Sunny, compounding his discomfort.

I didn't expect the semi fake date with Ria to land with such furor among the fans. Insta is upset at me for standing between the love birds. There are memes of me dancing with Ria, and upstaging Sunny. There are edits of Ria holding Sunny's hand at dinner, shots of the midnight pain puri they enjoy at the beach and a slow-mo of Sunny wiping chutney from Ria's face. They have tame captions like "pani puri love".

"Even you would have come up with wittier one liners!" B-side is jealous. "If I am jealous, what are you?"

"Fine! I am jealous," I say out loud to the universe. I am also relived for the break in the story. Being the villain is so much easier than being the hero.

"Why did you agree to this foolish half baked plan?" B-side wants to make sure I have learned my lesson. "We are supposed to hold Sunny steady, not join in his stupidity."

I didn't have a choice but to agree. The league and the board sent me a message. I was fined half my match pay for a 'disciplinary issue' in the last match. Then there was the leaked news that I wasn't being considered for the Olympics because of my lack of participation in domestic cricket. I am being punished and no one has bothered to understand my side of the story. I am grateful to the fans who continue to be on my side. They are familiar with the trap I am in. I have given dishonest people power over me, and they exercise that power with impunity. Why did I work so hard to get trapped this way? To be at the beck and call of cronies.

My phone buzzes, and a message from Hari pops up.

Hari: Are you watching this? Who is this Ria? Why do they all want to eat pani puri with her?

I turn off the volume on the TV but leave the game playing in the background, and start playing Call of Duty on my phone. I need a distraction from my anxiousness. My man needs to find his form today and pull through.

The phone rings, and I expect it to be Hari. Hari bhai is all over my business these days, having cast himself into the role of my older brother, or maybe my dad. He probably saw that I read the text but haven't replied.

But it is my dad calling. He never calls. I quickly pick up.

"Hey dad, is everything ok?"

"Everything is ok. Why wont it be?"

"You always check in through mum. I got worried."

"When are you heading home?"

"We have the end of season party in two days. Then I will be finished with all my commitments. I plan to visit a few friends before flying back."

"OK. Send me the flight details. I will come pick you up."

"I always do, dad," I pause waiting for the real reason for the call.

"Too bad you guys did not make it into the playoffs this year. You were on fire, son! But your team has fallen apart. I think the management should trade Prithvi. He didn't do anything at number three. Roy is getting old too."

"Dad, these people know how to make money. Trust me they have mapped out all the scenarios for the next auction. We are no better than cattle on sale at the country fair."

He ignores my dig at the team management, "At least you are secure. Your contract is for another two years."

"How can you even believe in league contracts after they forced Hari to move?"

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