Chapter 5 : Everything I wanted | (Sunny)

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I have been left out of the Olympics. I might have understood the selection snub but to be forced to go as a reserve is an insult. I will not face a single ball but put up with all the hassle of travel and sit through the boredom to jealously watch others chase glory. Opting out will be seen as ungracious. No matter the injury to my pride, what kind of boyfriend will I be if I don't show up for Shaan? "We will be in Paris! TOGETHER," Shaan keeps reminding me, "Maybe you can cozy up to the head coach, and see him in action?" No one strategizes with a reserve player. The cynical me cannot let go of the feeling that I am being dragged along to draw bigger crowds while being punished at the same time. I blow past the 10k goal for the run but keep going in hopes that I exhaust the fuel enough to smother the fire.

When I get home, papa is still at the breakfast table. "How was the workout?"

"Good," I walk over and give him a hug. "Did you eat all the food?"

He smiles, "There is plenty of paratha and egg bhurji."

Mom brings me my plate. The parantha is hot off the stove, "Why aren't you using the home gym? What is the point of spending all this money on the new house and expensive gym equipment to rush out every morning?"

"Mama, it's just feels good to have the morning to myself when the city is still asleep. Later I will get mobbed everywhere I go." I love the five am drive to the nearby gym. The owner gave me the key so I can get in and out before opening time. His equipment is old, and the place is smaller than what I have at home but it is a reminder of where I started. Some mornings the owner is there with his staff cleaning up the place. Once in a while he will bring some kid from his village to visit me. Those moments always cut me down to size, remind me that I do this not just for myself but for the ones who will come after me.

"You are away playing most of the year. When you are home, enjoy the things that your effort makes possible."

I am about to remind mum that the house and everything in it is theirs. That I do all this for them but Dad speaks before I can, "Savi, give him a break. He just got home a week ago." I give dad a look of gratitude. I can always count on him to support me. 

I snap a photo of my plate and send to it Shaan. He replies instantly.

Sunny: good morning! Having my fav bfast today. Mum's parantha and bhurji (egg-emoji)

Shaan: looks yummy. And so does the food.

I blush. I look up to find both my parents staring at me. One angry and the other slightly amused. I put the phone down. "Where is Shani? Is she still asleep?" The best thing about having a sibling is you can always use their questionable behavior to distract your parents from your own questionable behavior. I hit my mark, and mum is immediately complaining about on Shani, "We need to put some sense into that girl. Who will marry her? She has failed at everything she does. She can't cook, she can't find a job, she isn't contributing anything to the house. Does it bother her? No, the queen is sleeping in."

Just to rile up my mum, I offer more material, "She could learn a bit from my discipline." and "You know I offered her the option of managing my advertising deals."

After the shower, I am lounging on my bed listening to the playlist that Shaan sent over trying to avoid the chatter on the socials. Papa knocks on my open door before walking in. He waits for me to remove my headphones, "Son, I heard you are heading to Europe earlier than the rest of the team?"

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⏰ Last updated: 4 hours ago ⏰

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