Chapter 3: Ready For It? | (Shaan)

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I get a text from Sunny as soon as I get back in my room.

Sunny: "Shaan, I have big news!!!"

Shaan: "??"

Sunny: "I have a boyfriend!!!"

Shaan: " (cheeky face) (heart) (heart) (heart) Keep it a secret!"

Sunny: "(sad face) But I want to tell everyone!"

Shaan: "Sunny, I am being serious. Don't be reckless."

Sunny: "Whatever my boyfriend says is my command. (Saluting emoji)"

I am smiling like an idiot when I hear a knock, and Rian lets himself in. I smile at him too, "Hey man... thanks for doing the switch. How was Sunny's room?"

"It was good. The same as this one."

"Did you enjoy a break from being stuck here with me?"

"Haha. Maybe. Actually I was just told to pick my things. Another room has opened up."

"Oh really? That was quick. I thought they said it will take ten days."

He shrugs, then asks "What happened to your neck?"

"Sunny, the vampire," B-side offers helpfully. I am surprised, and all I can manage is, "I was a bug." I try to escape before he asks more questions, "I am going to take a shower. Do you need any help with moving your stuff?"

"Nah, I asked Malik to help. All good. Thanks though."

In the shower, I quickly forget the awkward exchange with Rian. I am on cloud nine. My thoughts turn back to the skinny, determined, wonder kid that I first met when playing for the under-19s team. He won over everyone with his smile and the confident way he played. I was jealous of the attention he got from the coaches. The first time he tried to talk to me outside of practice, I was rude. I regretted it instantly. Instead of being jealous, I decided I could learn something from his process. "Here, the ice packs will help with the cramps...also...don't push your body so hard. The coaches won't respect your limit if you don't," I offered as an apology. He took the bag of ice, iced for a bit but eventually, when I was looking the other way, put a piece down my back. I knew, then, we were meant to be friends.

Two nights later, someone knocked on my door. My lazy ass hadn't bothered to lock the door of the dated hostel room. I shouted to the visitor to come in. It was Sunny. He came in with big deer eyes like something had scared him. "What are you doing?" he had asked. I was playing Fortnite on my phone. He asked if he can stay and watch me play. I nodded and kept playing. He got into the bed, pulling up the blanket as if to hide, and sat close to me looking at my screen. I adjusted myself so he had an easier view. I don't remember if I said another word to him that night. He fell asleep before I was done playing. The next morning he woke me up in time for practice; my second time getting to practice on time. The only other time was my first day at the camp.

He never went back to his room. I never asked him why he moved out of his room, or why he chose my room. B-side wisely offers, "He needed us to hold on to him, not solve him. What difference does knowing the whys make?" But something about the memory bothers me. I feel myself getting upset. Someone had scared Sunny that night, and suddenly, I want to punch that person.

Something is off at practice. The rookies aren't joking around with me like usual. They huddle together like a bunch of gossiping sweet sixteens, stealing looks in my direction. They don't offer to help me practice. I have to ask Venkat Bhai to bowl to me. "Talk to Roy. Everything reaches his ears first. He will know what's up." B-side's advice is sound.

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