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005 — twilight's last gleaming

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005 — twilight's last gleaming

season one —
episode five

A BOOM IS HEARD SURROUNDING the camp from the skyline shocking the delinquents that are still awake

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A BOOM IS HEARD SURROUNDING the camp from the skyline shocking the delinquents that are still awake.

Carson smiles running her pointer finger along Bellamy's collarbone hearing the commotion outside.

"Check it out" one of the teens gasp seeing the object from the sky coming towards them.

"Carson, Bellamy, get out here" another delinquent shouts seeing Carson dressing herself coming out from the males tent beside him.

"There" the same teen points towards the sky, "They're coming to help us, now we can kick some grounder ass" Jones exclaims noticing it's coming from the Ark.

"Yeah!" another delinquent shouts, "Please tell me they brought down some shampoo" Roma—another member of the camp comments standing beside Carson.

"You okay Bell?" Carson questions noticing Bellamy tense beside her, "I'm all good, pretty girl" Bellamy smirks with a nod.

Octavia rushes towards Carson and Bellamy seeing the two of them looking at one another before looking back at the ship that's now landing quite close to their camp.

"If it cleared the ridge then it's probably near the lake" Bridge—another delinquent explains.

"We should get moving" Octavia voices looking at Carson and Bellamy, Carson nods agreeing with her close friend.

"Everyone's ready" Octavia states smiling at Carson glad to be on the same page as the brunette leader.

"No one's going anywhere, not while it's dark it isn't safe, we'll head out at first light; pass the word" Bellamy suggests firmly.

"Everyone for a hundred miles saw this thing come down, what if the grounders get to it first? Bell, we should go now" Octavia demands blocking Bellamy and Carson from entering his tent once more.

"I said we wait till sunrise" Bellamy states firmly gesturing for Carson to follow him inside the tent.

"What's up? Why are you being weird?" Carson frowns, "I have to go, and you have to stay and make sure no one follows me" Bellamy demands confusing the brunette.

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