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016 — human trials

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016 — human trials

season two —
episode five

AFTER ABBY COMES INTO THE CROWD and helps Carson lead Clarke into the medical tent

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AFTER ABBY COMES INTO THE CROWD and helps Carson lead Clarke into the medical tent.

The brunette sits beside the injured blonde girl while Abby treats her injuries.

"I need saline and a pressure dressing" Abby demands looking at Jackson.

"I'm on it" Jackson firmly states grabbing the dressings from the drawers beside them.

"Okay, honey" Abby soothes prepping Clarke for the painful part.

"I saw your ship crash" Clarke mumbles weakly, "I wasn't on it, I'm right here" Abby explains receiving a grunt from her daughter.

"Is she alright?" Byrne questions standing off to the side, "She will be" Abby mutters handing Carson a clean cloth to help her wipe away the dried and wet blood from Clarke's face.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, we had no idea who she was, where have you been?" Byrne wonders looking at Clarke.

"Don't you think the interrogation can wait? Clearly she's injured" Carson snaps looking at the woman.

"Mount Weather" Clarke reveals grabbing a hold of Carson's hand holding onto it tightly.

"The grounders took you to Mount Weather?" Byrne questions confused.

"No, the mountain men, we have to get them out" Clarke states sitting up with the help of Carson and Abby.

"We're not doing this right now" Abby states, "Yes, ma'am" Byrne nods walking out of the tent.

Abby looks at Jackson giving him a nod, receiving one back before the male walks off giving the mother and daughter and Daniels girl some privacy.

"Carsy, I thought you were dead" Clarke voices looking at Carson, "I'm alive" Carson shrugs while holding onto her torso.

"Mom, did anyone else make it here?" Clarke questions, "Yes, 7 of you did, that's including Carson" Abby comments.

"Finn and Bellamy?" Clarke whispers receiving a nod from her mother.

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